Entries by Cardinal Newman Society Staff

A Mandate for Fidelity: Pope Benedict Urges Compliance with Theologian’s Mandatum

Introduction On May 5, 2012, in his address to several American bishops during their required ad limina visit to Rome, His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI spoke on “religious education and the faith formation of the next generation of Catholics” in the United States.  He said: On the level of higher education, many of you […]

Assessing Catholic Identity: A Handbook for Catholic College and University Leaders

Contents: Assessing Catholic Identity Institutional IdentityMission Statement, Governing Documents & StatutesPolicies, Programs & CommitmentsRelationship with Diocesan BishopCooperation Leadership & AdministrationBoard of TrusteesAdministration and Non-Faculty Employees Faculty & AcademicsFacultyCurriculumTheologyResearch Students & Campus LifePastoral MinistryStudent Life Assessing Catholic Identity It is important that Catholic colleges and universities develop means of assessing their […]