How can you secure truly faithful Catholic education for your family?
Explore The Newman Guide!
- Since 2007, The Cardinal Newman Society has recognized model Catholic colleges in The Newman Guide and has earned a trusted reputation for vigorously vetting Catholic colleges, ensuring they have strong policies and standards that uphold Catholic identity from academics and athletics to faculty hiring and campus life.
- In 2023, we expanded The Newman Guide—which reaches more than 75,000 families online each year—to include faithful Catholic elementary, secondary, and graduate school options for Catholic families.
- The Newman Guide helps Catholic parents and students find a pathway to a seamless faithful Catholic education, and it recognizes model institutions that refuse to compromise their Catholic mission.
While too many of America’s schools and colleges, including much of Catholic education, have become battlegrounds for today’s culture wars, causing as many as 85 percent of Catholic youth to lose their faith by adulthood—The Newman Guide is helping spur the renewal needed across Catholic education.

“My search for a college would have been insurmountable without The Newman Guide. With about 197 professed Catholic colleges in the U.S, it would have been nearly impossible for me to find an authentically Catholic college that was just right for me. Thankfully, The Newman Guide did all the hard work for me…”