Catholic Radio Host Big Proponent of Newman Guide Education

In the early centuries, Catholic monasteries were the hubs of cultural transformation, and communities were built around them. Today, Dr. Marcus Peter argues that it’s faithful Catholic colleges that are the new hubs transforming the culture.

At Newman Guide Recommended colleges, the “sacramental life and Catholic intellectual tradition form the heart of the community,” explains Dr. Marcus Peter. These places are “great forces of cultural change” and the “way forward” for the Catholic Church in America.

Dr. Peter, a Catholic biblical theologian, apologist, and preacher, was recently named host of a new radio show, “Ave Maria in the Afternoon” which is nationally syndicated and “examines culture, Church, and current events through the lens of faith from the heart of the Church—to show how Jesus Christ is Lord over all facets of life.” Dr. Peter also serves as Director of Theology and Flagship Radio and TV Host for Ave Maria Radio.

Originally from Malaysia, Dr. Peter was an atheist who moved into Pentecostalism and then found his home in Catholicism in 2010. Mostly self-taught, Dr. Peter wanted to find an institution where he could deepen his understanding of theology, but he was disappointed overall with what he found.

“I desperately wanted to go somewhere where fidelity to the magisterium was upheld,” explained Dr. Peter. “In Asia, fidelity to the magisterium is a rare thing, especially institutionally.” Even at a Catholic seminary, he was dismayed with the teaching.

But all that changed when he found Ave Maria University’s graduate program in theology, which was recently recommended in The Newman Guide.

Ave Maria University “made its hallmark stalwart fidelity to Christ’s teaching office,” said Dr. Peter, who earned his master’s degree in systematic theology from Ave Maria University in 2018. “It was a life-changing experience, and I’ve been grateful ever since.”

“Coming to Ave Maria introduced me to a wider array of theological writings, in particular, those of St. Thomas Aquinas, whose works I have not only come to devour but keep coming back to,” said Dr. Peter. “He has become my friend and teacher, alongside Ratzinger and Augustine. The reason why I love these men particularly is because they make Sacred Scripture ‘sing and soar.’”

Ave Maria University

While at Ave Maria, he spent a lot of time studying in the library. An unexpected blessing was meeting his wife, Stephanie, who worked in the library. Now, the Peter family treasures and highly values faithful Catholic education.

“I was brought up in an imperialist, materialistic, British education system. I was brought up to espouse a completely utilitarian view of education,” explains Dr. Peter. “The values that we hold as a family are completely against the grain of how I was raised.”

Dr. Peter’s views on education were impacted by his own time as a student and as a high school teacher. “I have seen how institutions of learning that are not devoutly Catholic, even some that claim to be Catholic, systematically work to break down the seeds and the heritage of the faith that the children bring from their homes.”

“There is no way that you could pay me to send my children to a university that will seek to attack or destroy their faith in Christ, no matter how established a name the institution has,” said Dr. Peter. “My bride and I are determined to send our children to Newman Guide Universities. We want to give our children a fighting chance for their salvation.”

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