The Collegium

The Collegium

Hagerstown, Md.




Catholic Faculty


Catholic Students

Provisional Recognition in The Newman Guide

In order to receive full recognition in The Newman Guide, a college must have been in operation for four or more years and graduated a first class. Provisional recognition is granted to The Collegium because the college does not yet meet the requirements for full recognition but based on information provided in the Newman Guide application, the Cardinal Newman Society believes the college’s standards and policies appear to meet Newman Guide criteria. The Society will conduct another evaluation of The Collegium before granting full recognition. 

The Collegium

The Collegium Sanctorum Angelorum, a liberal arts college steeped in Catholic tradition, welcomed its first students in 2021.

All students follow the same integrated curriculum of science, math, Latin, the Trivium (grammar, rhetoric, and logic), music and art history, and the humanities, plus seven theology and six philosophy courses.

Every employee takes the Oath Against Modernism and the Oath of Fidelity, while the theologian has a mandatum from the local bishop. All faculty and students are Catholic.

Spiritual life revolves around the traditional Latin Mass at nearby St. Mary’s Catholic Church, a parish of the Archdiocese of Baltimore. Students attend Mass and sing lauds and vespers daily. Confession is available two days a week, and there is Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament five days a week.

The Collegium’s “campus” is the quaint downtown of Hagerstown, Maryland, with classrooms leased from the University of Maryland, use of the substantial Washington County Library, and meals arranged with local restaurants. Men and women live on separate wings of an historic hotel, separated by a secured door, with no opposite-sex visitation.

The Collegium is working toward accreditation. The local bishop has not yet recognized it as a Catholic institution, but he has indicated no objection to the college, which is committed to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church.

For the Catholic student who loves the rich liturgical and intellectual traditions of the Church, the Collegium is an exciting and highly affordable option.

What we really like:

The Collegium’s curriculum and formation are well-blended, including study and practice of the Divine Office, apologetics, and sacred music. As the price of higher education escalates, the Collegium has managed to keep costs low with a student work program, flexible facilities, and support from its auxiliary enterprise, Heavenly Roast Coffee.

Visit Campus

Get in touch with The Collegium to schedule your campus visit:


36 S. Potomac St.
Hagerstown, Maryland 21740

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