
We want to hear from you! Tell us about your experience with The Newman Guide.

For 15 years, The Newman Guide has helped connect Catholic families with faithful Catholic colleges. Now we want to hear from you!

What was your experience like using The Newman Guide?

  • Did The Newman Guide help convince you of the value in attending a faithful Catholic college?
  • Did The Newman Guide help you find the right college for you?
  • Was The Newman Guide instrumental in setting you up for success in your faith and future?

Below, please share about your experience and then click “submit.” Thank you and may God bless you!

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What others are saying about The Newman Guide

“I am a big believer in this core group of schools that is committed to orthodoxy.

When I have a really challenging conversation—even if it’s on a technical, business matter—I find that I’m drawing upon experiences that I gained during my undergraduate years… I’m able to use those skills much more frequently than the ones I learned in graduate school. Graduate school gave me the credentials, but it is my undergraduate Catholic, liberal arts experience that allows me to be successful in what I’m doing today.”

“We have told our kids they can choose from the list of faithful colleges for undergraduate studies… We have never expected these faithful colleges on the list to be perfect, nothing can be. But what we have found in the Guide has been beyond helpful in aiding our children in their quest for truth.

Their lives are much richer, relationships deeper and they seem more spiritual than we could have imagined. God truly has His hand on their lives. Having the option of a faithful Catholic college to attend, to grow, to learn, to mature has been an answer to much prayer.”

“…The professors were top-notch. It seems like every professor tried to bring God into their work and their teaching. I was given a very good foundation of theology and philosophy. Of all the things I learned… faith and the understanding of objective value have had the most profound impact on my life.

“Like many, my wife and I started dating while in college. God really blessed me when He put her into my life. When considering that many people meet their future spouse in college, it is important to us that our children attend schools where they are likely to be surrounded by a positive peer pressure and potential future spouses who live the faith.”

“Close proximity to the sacraments, my formation in theology, and my education in business and communications equipped me not only for my apostolate but most importantly for a life oriented toward the Cross of Christ,” says Timmerie about her undergraduate years at a Newman Guide college.

“I sharpened my tools of communication, and I learned to appeal to the deepest desires of the human heart — authentic love and, ultimately, God.”

“At every high school we go to, we encourage the guidance counselors to use The Newman Guide to help students find their college.

“It’s one thing to receive an hour-long chastity talk, but if you have a guidance counselor who can point you to the right university for the four years, that’s going to do more good than one motivational speech.”

“Truly the most important thing the [Newman Guide college I attended]… did to prepare me for my work in the pro-life movement was to strengthen me in the Faith and to fall in love with the Church, and with Christ.

“With strong Catholic education, we will turn our culture around and save souls. Strong Catholic education equips the next generations of leaders — of saints! — who are so desperately needed to restore all things in Christ.”

“It was beautiful to be in an environment where virtue is fostered,” Meaney explains about his undergraduate experience at a Newman Guide college.  “There was positive peer pressure… roommates who cared about you… It had a strong Catholic identity, values. By and large, there was a real Catholic ethos.”

“Catholic education provides a beautiful basis for intellectual knowledge and spiritual growth. It’s tried and true formation.”

“To those discerning colleges, all I can say is you will never regret choosing a place that is invested in forming, supporting and flourishing every dimension of your life — mind, body, heart and soul.

“The years you spend at college, the people you encounter, the culture in which you immerse yourself, will inevitably lay a foundation for the rest of your life. In choosing an authentically Catholic college, you will be on course to live the good life you desire and become who you were made to be.”

“One can spend all 12 years of primary school in a ‘Catholic school’ and be catechized but not evangelized. I know there is something special, then, about these Newman Guide schools and how the entire approach to studies is oriented to conversion and intellectual discipleship.

“I have been asked several times, ‘How do I choose a good Catholic school?’ and I always say, ‘Read the Newman Guide online.’ It’s good advice if you want to study with the best and grow deeper in Faith.”