Wyoming Catholic College

  • Wyoming Catholic College

    Lander, WY

  • Wyoming Catholic College

    Lander, WY

  • Wyoming Catholic College

    Lander, WY

  • Wyoming Catholic College

    Lander, WY

  • Wyoming Catholic College

    Lander, WY

  • Wyoming Catholic College

    Lander, WY

  • Wyoming Catholic College

    Lander, WY




Catholic Faculty


Catholic Students

Wyoming Catholic College

Wyoming Catholic College was founded in 2007 in Lander, Wyoming, with help from the local bishop. Nestled in a small town near the Wind River Mountain Range and the Pope Agie River, the Great Books college is wonderful for faithful Catholics, outdoor enthusiasts, and students of Western thought.

Wyoming Catholic’s four-year core curriculum, leading to a liberal arts degree, is focused on the Great Books and includes both lectures and dialogues. There are no electives, only required courses in eight tracks: humanities, theology, philosophy, math/science, fine arts, Latin, Trivium, and leadership. The unique outdoor program includes mountain hikes, horseback riding, and leadership development.

Nearly all students and about 90 percent of the professors are Catholic. The president and Catholic faculty take the Oath of Fidelity and make the Catholic Profession of Faith. Theology professors have a mandatum from the local bishop.

Spiritual life on campus focuses on beautiful liturgy and sacred music, including both the Ordinary and Extraordinary (Latin) Forms of the Mass and the Byzantine Rite. There are no classes during daily Mass and on patronal feast days. Eucharistic adoration and confession are offered daily.

All student residence halls are appropriately single-sex with no opposite-sex visitation to private rooms, and there is a nighttime curfew. Wyoming Catholic forbids cell phones and televisions and limits internet use to promote community life.

Wyoming Catholic rejects federal student aid to avoid government restrictions, yet it remains relatively inexpensive while offering a unique and faithful Catholic education in the mountains. For the right student, it’s an adventure not to be missed.

What we really like:

Wyoming Catholic College recognizes the importance of forming students with beautiful and reverent liturgy, in all its forms. We also appreciate the large portion of Catholic professors. The outdoor and leadership development opportunities are exciting and make great use of the College’s remote location.

Visit Campus

Get in touch with Wyoming Catholic College to schedule your campus visit:


306 Main Street
Lander, Wyoming 82520


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Catholic Identity Special Recognition for Wyoming Catholic College in The Newman Guide:

  • GOLD: Catholic Trustees

    100% of trustees are Catholic.

  • GOLD: Profession of Faith

    All Catholic faculty and president make the Profession of Faith at least once upon hiring, and all theology faculty have the mandatum.

  • GOLD: Theology and Philosophy

    At least 24 credits of study in Catholic theology and philosophy required for all undergraduates.

  • GOLD: Honors and Speakers

    Has policy prohibiting honors and speaking invitations to those who publicly oppose Catholic moral teaching and ensures that speakers do not call into question Catholic moral teaching.

  • GOLD: Spiritual Life

    Mass is offered every day on campus and there are scheduled opportunities at least three times/week for Confession & Adoration.

  • GOLD: Student Residences

    Student residences are single sex, and there is never opposite sex visitation in student residences.

  • GOLD: Catholic Students

    At least 95% of students are Catholic.

  • SILVER: Catholic Faculty

    At least 85% of faculty is Catholic.

All of the colleges recognized in The Newman Guide are serious about faithful Catholic formation and education, but they are quite different in many important respects. Explore their websites, talk to faculty and admissions counselors, and visit their campuses to determine which is right for you!