Maintaining Catholic Identity in Distance Learning Instruction
As we all scramble to continue educating our students in this new medium, it’s important not to fall into the trap of focusing on technology first. The focus in Catholic education is the child; educating and forming them in holiness. Are the methods your school is choosing for distance instruction and online technology furthering that effort of formation?
Derek Tremblay, Headmaster from one of our Ambassador schools, Mount Royal Academy, has this take on learning from home:
“At Mount Royal Academy, we consider this a tremendous opportunity to instill the habit of reflection and introspection. If we are to become who God made us to be, we have to be willing to think more deeply about meaning and moments. Instead of putting teachers and students in front of devices for hours upon hours, we invite students to pause, pray, and ponder. Perhaps this is even providential that we are all slowing down to focus on what really matters the most: the school of the family, the domestic church.”
The Academic Dean of the school, Dr. Amy Sansone, provides the details here for the weekly Assessment & Reflection Essay (ARE’s) all students in the K-12 school are given. Instead of giving more content, this school has chosen to allow students to integrate and assimilate the choice content provided to make personal meaning and take advantage of the quite time available at home that is not often found in a busy school day.
Below are several resources produced by the Society to assist educators in this endeavor:
Maintaining Catholic Identity in Distance Learning Instruction by Dr. Daniel Guernsey and Dr. Denise Donohue.
Maintaining Catholic Identity in Home-Based Instruction (VIDEO) by Tyler Graham, Ave Maria Academy, and Dr. Dan Guernsey.
Keeping the ‘Catholic’ in Distance Learning by Patrick Reilly, President of The Cardinal Newman Society.
For Catholic Schools, Now’s a Time to Shine by Patrick Reilly, President of the Cardinal Newman Society.