The Catholic Institute of Technology

The Catholic Institute of Technology

Castel Gandolfo, Italy




Catholic Faculty


Catholic Students

Provisional Recognition in The Newman Guide

In order to receive full recognition in The Newman Guide, a college must have been in operation for four or more years and graduated a first class. Provisional recognition is granted to the Catholic Institute of Technology because the college does not yet meet the requirements for full recognition but based on information provided in the Newman Guide application, the Cardinal Newman Society believes the college’s standards and policies appear to meet Newman Guide criteria. The Society will conduct another evaluation of the Catholic Institute of Technology before granting full recognition. 

The Catholic Institute of Technology

The Catholic Institute of Technology opened in fall 2024 in Castel Gandolfo, Italy, and welcomed its first class of 15 students. CatholicTech embraces the integration of faith and science—something hard to find in universities today that offer STEM degrees.

At CatholicTech, students can major in biomedical engineering, chemical engineering, civil engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and computer science, biology or physics. Students take four courses in Catholic theology and four courses in philosophy, but that amount is reduced for students who have already earned an undergraduate degree at a Newman Guide Recommended college and are working toward a second bachelor’s degree in engineering or science as a part of the “Cardinal Newman Fellowship.” The Fellowship is an innovative program that allows Newman Guide graduates who are accepted in the program to participate in work-study at CatholicTech and have their tuition and room and board costs covered.

At CatholicTech, all Catholic theology and philosophy courses are taught by priests or religious. One hundred percent of students and faculty are Catholic.

Daily Mass is held on campus at a time when no classes are scheduled, and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Confession are scheduled weekly. CatholicTech plans to host monthly Church history immersion trips around Italy, annual retreats, and pilgrimage opportunities throughout Europe.

Student residences are appropriately single-sex with no opposite-sex visitation to private rooms. CatholicTech’s building has one wing for males and one for females, with common spaces and classrooms separating the two wings.

What we really like:

With its location in Castel Gandolfo, the opportunities for Catholic students are second to none. Students live just minutes from the Vatican Observatory and the Pope’s summer residence, and St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome is just a 30-minute drive. For the adventurous Catholic student who would like to study and live abroad, CatholicTech is an excellent option. The Church and society will be strengthened by graduates who are faithfully Catholic engineers and scientists.

Visit Campus

Get in touch with The Catholic Institute of Technology to schedule your campus visit:

+1 617-249-4075

Via Santa Caterina 4,
00073 Castel Gandolfo, (RM) ITALY

Ave Maria University Facebook

Catholic Identity Special Recognition for The Catholic Institute of Technology in The Newman Guide:

  • GOLD: Catholic Trustees

    100% of trustees are Catholic.

  • GOLD: Theology and Philosophy

    At least 24 credits of study in Catholic theology and philosophy required for all undergraduates.

  • GOLD: Honors and Speakers

    Has policy prohibiting honors and speaking invitations to those who publicly oppose Catholic moral teaching and ensures that speakers do not call into question Catholic moral teaching.

  • GOLD: Spiritual Life

    Mass is offered every day on campus and there are scheduled opportunities at least three times/week for Confession & Adoration.

  • GOLD: Student Residences

    Student residences are single sex, and there is never opposite sex visitation in student residences.

  • GOLD: Catholic Faculty

    100% of faculty is Catholic.

  • GOLD: Catholic Students

    At least 95% of students are Catholic.