Latest from the Newman Society

St. Peters Square

Vatican Envoy to Jesuits and Bishops: Reform Education

The Vatican ambassador’s message, delivered during Monday’s gathering of U.S. bishops in Baltimore, was crystal clear: place priority on the renewal of Catholic identity in Catholic education and restore the great legacy of Jesuit institutions. It’s an appeal that should make every Catholic parent stand up and cheer! When Pope Francis […]


Fire Theologians, Not Columnists

There is more than irony in the recent attempt by several theologians to discredit New York Times columnist Ross Douthat, because he dared to write about the tragic confusion surrounding the Synod on the Family without having a theologian’s “professional qualifications.” There is great desperation in the move — and hypocrisy. The […]

Cardinal Burke Urges Genuine Catholic Education to Renew Culture

Cardinal Raymond Burke last week gave us yet another trove of wisdom to contemplate, just as the Synod on the Family came to a close. This time, it was about Catholic education, and it came with a stern warning. In prepared remarks last week given to representatives of Voice of the Family, Cardinal […]

Patrick Reilly’s Speech to the Catholic Citizens of Illinois

Address to the Catholic Citizens of Illinois Patrick J. Reilly President, The Cardinal Newman Society Given May 9, 2008 in Chicago, Illinois Thank you, Mary Anne, members of Catholic Citizens of Illinois, and good friends of The Cardinal Newman Society. I am thrilled to be back in Chicago and to […]