- Vice President of Newman Guide Programs Kelly Salomon and Vice President of Educator Resources and Evaluation Dr. Denise Donohue, The Catholic Current, Station of the Cross Radio, Host: Fr. Robert McTeigue, Topic: Secularization in Catholic education (2023/5/16).
- Vice President of Newman Guide Programs Kelly Salomon, Catholic Connection, Ave Maria Radio, Host: Teresa Tomeo, Topic: Profiles in Faithful Catholic Education series (2023/5/3).
- Vice President of Newman Guide Programs Kelly Salomon, Spirit Mornings Life, Spirit Catholic Radio, Hosts: Bruce McGregor and Jen Brown, Topic: Expansion of The Newman Guide (2023/4/27).
- Vice President of Newman Guide Programs Kelly Salomon, Catholic Connection, Ave Maria Radio, Host: Teresa Tomeo, Topic: Expansion of The Newman Guide (2023/3/14).
- Director of Newman Guide Programs Kelly Salomon, EWTN News Nightly, Topic: Catholic Schools Celebrate 49th Annual Catholic Schools Week (2023/2/2)
- K-12 Educator Resources Coordinator Justin McClain, “Celebrating Catholic Schools Week, This Week in Catholic History, and More!” Son Rise Morning Show, Hosts: Matt Swaim, Anna Mitchell, Topic: Importance of faithful Catholic Education (2023,01/30)
- Director of Newman Guide Programs Kelly Salomon, Epiphany show, Ave Maria Radio, Host: Vanessa Denha Garmo, Topic: Essay Scholarship Contest and value of faithful Catholic college (2023/1/25)
- Director of Newman Guide Programs Kelly Salomon, Mast Appeal, Ave Maria Radio, Host: Coleen Kelly Mast, Topic: Essay Scholarship Contest and value of faithful Catholic college. (2023/1/20)
- Newman Society President Patrick Reilly, The Kolbecast, Topic: The Essence of Catholic Education (2022/2/1)
- Dr. Denise Donohue, director of Catholic Education Honor Roll at Newman Society, National Catholic Register, Host: Andrea Picciotti-Bayer, Topic: Critical Race Theory in the classroom (2021/12/15)
- Newman Society President Patrick Reilly, The Drew Mariani Show, Relevant Radio, Host: Drew Mariani, Topic: NCAA bylaws affecting Catholic universities (2021/12/14)
- Newman Society President Patrick Reilly, Mast Appeal, Ave Maria Radio, Host: Coleen Kelly Mast, Topic: Newman Society and Newman Guide college discuss value of faithful Catholic higher education (2021/12/11)
- Newman Society President Patrick Reilly, Catholic Connection, Ave Maria Radio, Host: Teresa Tomeo, Topic: Catholic Education (34 minute mark, Hour 2, 2021/11/11)
- Newman Society President Patrick Reilly, Register Radio, EWTN, Topic: Catholic Education & the Four Last Things (2021/11/13)
- Newman Society President Patrick Reilly, The Drew Mariani Show, Relevant Radio, Host Drew Mariani, Topic: Catholic Organizations Going Off Track (45 minute mark, 2021/11/9)
- Newman Society President Patrick Reilly, Catholic Connection, Ave Maria Radio, Host Teresa Tomeo, Topic: A Pastor Saves His Flock by Catholic Education (Hour 2, 2021/10/5)
- Newman Society President Patrick Reilly, The Drew Mariani Show, Relevant Radio, Host Ed Morrissey, Topic: Protecting Catholic Education (2021/9/7)
- Newman Society President Patrick Reilly, Catholic Connection, Ave Maria Radio, Host Teresa Tomeo, Topic: Religious Freedom in Catholic education (Hour 2, 35 minute mark, 2021/8/24)
- Newman Society President Patrick Reilly, Catholic Connection, Ave Maria Radio, Host Teresa Tomeo, Topic: Critical Race Theory in Catholic education. (Hour 2, 2021/8/2)
- Newman Society President Patrick Reilly, The Crisis Point Podcast, Host: Eric Sammons, Topic: Critical Race Theory and Catholic Education (2021/7/30)
- Dr. Dan Guernsey, senior fellow at the Newman Society, The Catholic Current, Host Fr. Robert McTeigue, S.J., Topic: Cancel Culture, Critical Race Theory and Catholic Education (2021/7/19)
- Newman Society President Patrick Reilly, Driving Home the Faith, Sacred Heart Radio, Host: Fr. Rob Jack, Topic: ‘Fulton’ Ruling Teaches Important Lesson to Catholic Educators (36 minute mark, 2021/7/15)
- Newman Society President Patrick Reilly, Register Radio, EWTN, Topic: Did the 60 Pro-Abortion Catholic House Democrats Attend Catholic Schools? (17:15 minute mark, 2021/7/10)
- Newman Society President Patrick Reilly, Catholic Connection, Ave Maria Radio, Host Teresa Tomeo, Topic: Religious freedom landscape for Catholic education. (Hour 2, 35 minute mark, 2021/6/29)
- Newman Society President Patrick Reilly, Into The Light, Cafeteria Catholics (2021/6/7)
- Newman Society President Patrick Reilly, Radio Maria, Meet the Author with Ken Huck, Host: Ken Huck, Topic: The Newman Guide (2021/2/25)
- Newman Society President Patrick Reilly, Young America’s Foundation, Standing Up for Faith and Freedom Conference, Topic: Fidelity and Freedom in Catholic Education (2020/10/3)
- Dr. Denise Donohue, director of Catholic Education Honor Roll at Newman Society, EWTN Radio, “The Good Fight,” Host Barbara McGuigan, Topic: Standards for Christian Anthropology. (2020/9/12)
- Newman Society President Patrick Reilly, EWTN Radio, “The Good Fight,” Host Barbara McGuigan, Catholic identity in education. (2020/9/12)
- Dr. Dan Guernsey, senior fellow at the Newman Society, The Catholic Current on Station of the Cross Radio, What learning this fall might look like. (2020/9/1)
- Newman Society President Patrick Reilly, Catholic Connection, Ave Maria Radio, Host Teresa Tomeo, Colleges keep it Catholic amid epidemic. (2020/9/1)
- Newman Society President Patrick Reilly, Sangreal Podcast, Host Paul Thies, Catholic education and the Eucharist. (2020/7/24)
- Newman Society President Patrick Reilly, Catholic Connection, Ave Maria Radio, Host Teresa Tomeo, Topic: Supreme Court ruling on “ministerial exception.” ( Hour 2, 16 minute mark, 2020/7/13)
- Newman Society President Patrick Reilly, Institute for Catholic Culture, Webinar, Topic: Into the Light: Newman’s Idea for a Renewal of Education. (2020/5/31)
- Newman Society President Patrick Reilly, Catholic Connection, Ave Maria Radio, Host Teresa Tomeo, Topic: Keeping the ‘Catholic’ in Distance Learning.(54 minute mark, 2020/4/13)
- Newman Society President Patrick Reilly, Register Radio, EWTN Radio, Host Jeanette DeMelo, Topic: School and Work at Home-Covid-19. (15 minute mark, 2020/3/27)
- Newman Society Senior Fellow Dr. Dan Guernsey, The Catholic Current, The Station of the Cross Catholic Radio Network, Host Fr. Robert McTeigue, S.J., Topic: Timely Topics: Transgenderism and COVID-19. (2020/3/18)
Newman Society President Patrick Reilly, First Things Podcast, Host Mark Bauerlein, Topic: “Inclusion Statements” in Catholic Schools (2/3/2020)
- Newman Society President Patrick Reilly, Son Rise Morning Show, EWTN Radio, Topic: Catholic Colleges at the March for Life. (37 minute mark, 2020/1/24)
- Newman Society Director of Education and Advocacy, Kelly Salomon, Catholic Connection, Ave Maria Radio, Host Teresa Tomeo, Topic: Catholic Colleges at the March for Life. (39 minute mark, 2020/1/21)
- Newman Society President Patrick Reilly, Kresta in the Afternoon, Ave Maria Radio, Host Al Kresta, Topic: Can Catholics Lead on Banning Porn? (4 minute mark, 2020/1/16)
- Newman Society President Patrick Reilly, Register Radio, EWTN, Host Jeanette DeMelo, Topic: New Year’s Resolutions, Best Films (2020/1/9)
- Newman Society President Patrick Reilly, The Catholic Current, The Station of the Cross Catholic Radio Network, Host Fr. Robert McTeigue, S.J., Topic: Have Catholics Schools Lost Their Way? (2020/1/2)
- Newman Society President Patrick Reilly, Catholic Connection, Ave Maria Radio, Host Sherry Brownrigg, Topic: ‘Nutcracker’ Nastiness: Backlash After Catholic Students Avoid Play With Same-Sex Roles (35 minute mark, 2019/12/20)
- Newman Society Senior Fellow Dr. Dan Guernsey, The Catholic Current, The Station of the Cross Catholic Radio Network, Host Fr. Robert McTeigue, S.J., Topic: Speaking Truthfully about Gender Ideology (2019/11/12)
- Newman Society President Patrick Reilly, Vatican Insider, EWTN Catholic Radio, Host Joan Lewis, Topic: The Work, Outreach and Challenges of The Cardinal Newman Society (2019/10/26)
- Newman Society President Patrick Reilly, Driving Home the Faith, Sacred Heart Radio, Topic: Cardinal John Henry Newman (2019/10/13)
- Newman Society President Patrick Reilly, Driving Home the Faith, Sacred Heart Radio, Topic: Patrick Reilly’s article “To Restore Integrity: Newman’s Idea of Education is at thecatholicthing.org (2019/10/8)
- Newman Society President Patrick Reilly, Register Radio, EWTN Radio, Host Jeanette DeMelo, Topic: Cardinal Newman’s Canonization (14 minute mark, 2019/10/4)
- Newman Society President Patrick Reilly, Catholic Connection, Ave Maria Radio, Host Teresa Tomeo, Topic: Blessed John Henry Newman to be canonized October 13 (39 minute mark, 2019/10/3)
- Newman Society President Patrick Reilly, Archangel Radio, Topic: The Cardinal Newman Society (24 minute mark, 2019/9/19)
- Newman Society President Patrick Reilly, Driving Home the Faith, Sacred Heart Radio, Topic: role Catholic schools can play in teaching children about the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist
- Newman Society President Patrick Reilly, Catholic Connection, Ave Maria Radio, Host Vanessa Denha-Garmo, Topic: Catholic schools must restore America’s faith in the Real Presence (16 minute mark, 2019/9/4)
- Newman Society President Patrick Reilly, The Good Fight, EWTN Catholic Radio, Host Barbara McGuigan, Topic: Pro-Catholic Education and Pro-Life (2019/8/31)
- Newman Society Director of Education and Advocacy Kelly Salomon, Catholic Connection, Ave Maria Radio, Host Teresa Tomeo, Topic: Adoring the Eucharist at Faithful Catholic Colleges (37 minute mark, 2019/7/12)
- Newman Society Director of Education and Advocacy Kelly Salomon, Catholic Herald UK, Topic: How US Catholic colleges help students discern (2019/7/8)
- Newman Society President Patrick Reilly, Register Radio, Hosts Jeanette DeMelo and Matthew Bunson, Topic: Rebuilding Notre Dame, Defending Catholic Education (Aug. 3) (16 minute mark, 2019/7/3)
- Newman Society President Patrick Reilly, Register Radio, Host Jeanette DeMelo, Topic: Who Will Defend Catholic Education? (15 minute mark, 2019/6/2)
- Newman Society President Patrick Reilly, Catholic Connection, Ave Maria Radio, Host Teresa Tomeo, Topic: Who Will Defend Catholic Education? (39 minute mark, 2019/7/1)
- Newman Society President Patrick Reilly, Kresta in the Afternoon, Ave Maria Radio, Host Al Kresta, Topic: Who Will Defend Catholic Education? (22 minute mark, 2019/6/31)
- Newman Society President Patrick Reilly, Relevant Radio, Host John Harper, Topic: Catholic Education (12 minute mark, 2019/6/30)
- Newman Society President Patrick Reilly, Relevant Radio, Host John Harper, Topic: A Catholic take on the College Admissions Scandal (2019/3/26)
- Newman Society President Patrick Reilly, Catholic Connection, Ave Maria Radio, Host Sherry Brownrigg, Topic: Pope Francis approves canonization of John Henry Newman (16 minute mark, 2019/2/18)
- Newman Society President Patrick Reilly, Catholic Connection, Ave Maria Radio, Host Teresa Tomeo, Topic: Second Blessed John Henry Newman miracle confirmed (2019/1/1)
TV Appearance Archive
Vice President of Newman Guide Programs Kelly Salomon, EWTN Pro-Life Weekly TV Show, Host: Prudence Robertson, Topic: Preparing next generation of pro-life medical professionals (2023/3/23).
Newman Society President Patrick Reilly, EWTN’s News Nightly, Topic: Catholic Schools Across the Country Celebrate National Catholic Schools Week (2022/2/2)
Newman Society President Patrick Reilly, EWTN’s Life on the Rock, Topic: The mission and work of The Cardinal Newman Society (2020/5/17)
Newman Society President Patrick Reilly, EWTN’s News Nightly Topic: Hundreds of Catholic Schools Close and Enrollment Continues to Decline (2020/5/12)
Newman Society President Patrick Reilly, EWTN, Topic: Preserving Catholic education during distance learning (2020/4/8)
Newman Society President Patrick Reilly, Rome Reports, Topic: Cardinal Newman Society makes a pilgrimage to see their patron’s canonization (2019/10/13)
Newman Society President Patrick Reilly, EWTN News Nightly, Topic: Latest lawsuits and threats facing Catholic education (2019/8/5)
Newman Society Director of Education and Advocacy, Kelly Salomon, EWTN News Nightly, Topic:A Catholic perspective on the college admissions process (2019/3/15)
In the News Archive
- Newman Guide Expands to Include K-12 Schools (CatholicVote, 2023/5/18)
- Pro-Life Values On Display at Catholic College Commencements (National Catholic Register, 2023/5/15)
- Newman Guide expands faithful Catholic education list to include K-12 schools, homeschool programs (LifeSiteNews, 2023/3/16)
- Newman Guide expands to include K-12 and more in ‘faithful Catholic’ school guide (Catholic World Report, 2023/3/9)
- Catholic College Scholarship Contest Invites Applications (catholicmom.com) (Catholic Mom, 2023/01/18)
- After Roe v. Wade, Catholic Colleges Prepare Pro-Life Nurses| National Catholic Register (ncregister.com) (National Catholic Register, 2023/01/18)
- Cardinal Newman Society Essay Scholarship Contest – Today’s Catholic Homeschooling (todayscatholichomeschooling.com) (Today’s Catholic Homeschooling, 2023/01/11)
- Top Ten 2022 Patrick Reilly | Inside the Vatican Magazine (2023/01/01)
- University of Mary Wins Six-Year Fight for Religious Freedom| National Catholic Register (ncregister.com) (National Catholic Register, 2022/12/16)
- Light and Darkness at Catholic Colleges| National Catholic Register (ncregister.com) (National Catholic Register, 2022/12/05)
- LGBTQ students wrestle with tensions at Christian colleges | AP News (AP News, 2022/12/05)
- Report: Catholic Medical School Teaching Gender-Transition Therapies| National Catholic Register (National Catholic Register, 2022/10/20)
- Investigation: Catholic medical school pushes hormone therapy for minors (The Spectator World, 2022/10/18)
- Catholic and Going to College? Get a Spouse in Addition to a Degree (Crisis Magazine, 2022/10/17)
- Are Catholic Colleges Designed for Women? FemCatholic Investigates (FemCatholic, 2022/9/20)
- Follow in the Footsteps of St. Robert Bellarmine: Scholarships for Scholars| National Catholic Register (National Catholic Register, 2022/9/17)
- Catholic colleges now offering ‘gender-inclusive’ housing, among other LGBTQ+ initiatives (The Catholic World Report, 2022/9/9)
- Catholic schools’ free lunch funds jeopardized by Biden LGBT rule change (Catholic News Agency, 2022/8/10)
- Cardinal Newman Society: A gift to Catholic education (Legatus, 2022/8/1)
- Education culture wars come for ‘woke’ Catholic schools (Washington Examiner, 2022/7/13)
- Incoming Freshman Wins Cardinal Newman Society Essay Scholarship (Christendom, 2022/6/16)
- We Need ‘Eucharistic Education’| National Catholic Register (National Catholic Register, 2022/6/11)
- 2022 Benedictine College Commencement (Benedictine College, 2022/5/16)
- Class of 2022 Sendoff–Catholic colleges and universities resume in-person graduation ceremonies (National Catholic Register, 2022/5/13)
- Catholic education expert decries drag show at Saint Joseph’s University (Catholic News Agency, 2022/4/28)
- Dispute Over ‘BLM’ and ‘Pride’ Flags at Mass. Jesuit School Highlights Need to Communicate Catholic Identity (National Catholic Register, 2022/4/22)
- Catholic Identity Proponent to Get Honorary Degree (Ex Corde at Benedictine College, 2022/4/19)
- Conference Calls Men to Step Forward as Champions for Christ (Legatus, 2022/4/11)
- Catholic universities and colleges continue to ignore Ex Corde Ecclesiae (The Catholic World Report, 2022/03/17)
- When Do I Teach Theology of the Body? (Ruah Woods Press, 2022/3/14)
- ‘Religious Freedom Matters’ Enters Its Third Season (National Catholic Register, 2022/3/7)
- Nun spearheading illegal alien invasion is really a dedicated revolutionary with elitist ties – World Tribune: U.S. Politics and Culture, Geopolitics, East Asia Intelligence, China, Geostrategy, Military, National security, Corporate Watch, Media Watch, North Korea, Iran, Columnists: Dennis Prager, Michelle Malkin, John Metzler, Jeffrey Kuhner, John McNabb, Joe Schaeffer, Bill Juneau, Alexander Maistrovoy, Donald Kirk (World Tribune, 2022/2/22)
- ‘Wokeness’ and ‘psuedo-religions’: Catholic colleges look for ways to challenge growing cancel culture (B.C. Catholic, 2022/2/10)
- Loyola Marymount University’s Catholic Identity Crisis (National Catholic Register, 2022/1/4)
- The 21 most popular Catholic World Report stories and articles of 2021 (The Catholic World Report, 2021/12/30)
- NCAA’s proposed constitution could force religious colleges to embrace ‘gender equity,’ critic fears (The Christian Post, 2021/12/16)
- New NCAA constitution would force colleges to embrace ‘gender equity, diversity, and inclusion’ (LifeSite, 2021/12/14)
- Painting Depicting George Floyd as Jesus Christ ‘Dangerously Confuses Students,’ Catholic Watchdog Group Says (The Daily Signal, 2021/12/6)
- Cardinal Newman Society’s Patrick Reilly Addresses Christendom’s Homeschool Visit Day (Christendom College, 2021/10/14)
- Catholic group urges COVID-weary parents to flee public school (The Washington Times, 2021/10/13)
- ‘It’s a competition of Catholic values’: Suburban Catholic school conflicts over gender pronouns, same-sex marriage highlight tension between church and flock (Chicago Tribune, 2021/9/30)
- RACE EDUCATION: Americans wary of CRT in the classroom (Catholic Voice Omaha, 2021/9/21)
- Cardinal Newman Society President to Speak at Homeschool Visit Day (Christendom College, 2021/9/9)
- Benedictine Launches New Plan to Transform Culture in America (Benedictine College, 2021/9/8)
- Keeping Catholic education actually Catholic (Legatus, 2021/9/1)
- Newman Society Files Amicus Brief on Upholding Ministerial Exception – U.S. Supreme Court (Catholic Canada)
- Newman Society Urges Supreme Court to Apply Ministerial Exception to Religious Colleges (Catholic Canada)
- Biden administration may ban freedom of student groups to elect leaders, draft codes of conduct (Life Site, 2021/8/27)
- New University of Dallas President Jonathan Sanford’s Goal: the ‘Integrated’ Person (National Catholic Register, 2021/8/26)
- Christendom Opens Registration for Fall Open Houses and Homeschool Visit Day (Christendom College, 2021/8/16)
- Catholic University Insuring Abortion (Church Militant, 2021/8/11)
- New President of Magdalen College: College Should Be Like Rivendell (National Catholic Register, 2021/8/7)
- Newman Society President Discusses Critical Race Theory, Catholic Education on Crisis Point Podcast (Catholic Canada)
- Jesus Denied Admission (Church Militant, 2021/7/21)
- Catholic universities should not promote LGBT ‘pride’ (The College Fix, 2021/6/11)
- Critical Race Theory is antithetical to Catholic education, education analyst says (The College Fix, 2021/6/4)
- This Catholic college has a successful anti-porn program to help students (The College Fix, 2021/5/31)
- Notre Dame’s graduates urged to put into practice what they’ve learned (Florida Catholic, 2021/5/25)
- Catholic colleges, universities debate COVID-19 vaccine requirements (National Catholic Register, 2021/5/6)
- Some Catholic Universities Begin Policies Mandating COVID-19 Vaccinations (National Catholic Register, 2021/4/15)
- He Sold Notre Dame’s Soul (Church Militant, 2021/4/8)
- Prepared for Life: Why Choose A Faithful Catholic College (Mother of Divine Grace School, 2021/3/16)
- Biden ‘poses new threats’ to Catholic education, warns Cardinal Newman Society president (The College Fix, 2021/3/21)
- Free Speech vs. Cancel Culture: Catholic University Defends Professor for Criticizing Biden’s ‘Transgender’ Nominee (National Catholic Register, 2021/2/13)
- Biden Administration Could Seek to Finish Off Catholic Schools (Creative Minority Report, 2020/12/16)
- As Catholics schools jettison truth, they succumb to progressive ideology (Catholic Word Report, 2020/12/15)
- A faithful Catholic education is the real solution (Legatus Magazine, 2020/9/20)
- Two US Catholic colleges resume Rome study abroad programs (Catholic News Agency, 2020/9/16)
- A visit to the rural Catholic college that has 171 students, 12 horses and zero textbooks (America Magazine, 2020/5/1)
- Bishop places principal on leave after students, parents protest ousting of gay ‘married’ teachers (LifeSite News, 2020/2/28)
- Catholic institutions refuse to disintegrate faith from science, says Newman president (Our Sunday Visitor, 2020/2/21)
- Upcoming Supreme Court cases put private schools’ ‘ministerial exception’ in spotlight (The Washington Times, 2020/2/11)
- Catholic university presidents ‘warmly welcome’ pro-gay message of Fr. James Martin (Life Site, 2020/2/5)
- These Catholic Colleges Are Pro-Life, Pro-Woman (Crisis Magazine, 2020/1/22)
- Catholic College Scholarship Contest Invites Applications (CatholicMom.com, 2020/1/13)
- The Cardinal Newman Society’s soon-to-be canonized patron (The Catholic Herald, 2019/10/19)
- White House hosts Catholic leaders for religious freedom briefing (Catholic News Agency, 2019/12/17)
- College on the Range (Inside Higher Ed, 2019/12/16)
- Monks sue their own Catholic college to prevent ‘secularization’ in governance dispute (The College Fix, 2019/12/13)
- ‘Nutcracker’ Nastiness: Backlash After Catholic Students Avoid Play With Same-Sex Roles (National Catholic Register, 2019/12/12)
- Bishop Loverde awarded top honor at Youth Ministries banquet (The Arlington Catholic Herald, 2019/12/11)
- Congress Should Protect Our Constitutionally Guaranteed Freedoms, Not Threaten Our Most Basic Rights (Conservative Action Project, 2019/12/6)
- Fr. James Martin announces major pro-gay conference stacked with dissident speakers (LifeSite News, 2019/11/14)
- St. John Henry Newman and America (National Catholic Register, 2019/10/28)
- College-Based Newman Centers Mark Namesake’s Canonization (National Catholic Register, 2019/10/10)
- Pro-life group pressures Catholic colleges to remove links to Planned Parenthood (Washington Times, 2019/9/27)
- How America embraced Newman (Catholic Herald UK, 2019/9/19)