Second Annual ‘Newman Guide Virtual College Fair’ Invites High School Students, Parents, Educators

CNS is grateful for the sponsorship of the St. Robert Bellarmine Fund.

High school students, their parents, and Catholic educators are invited to register now for The Cardinal Newman Society’s Newman Guide Virtual College Fair, which will take place on Wednesday, September 27, 2023. “Live” sessions will run from 10:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m. ET, as well as 7:00 p.m.—9:00 pm ET. Registration is free and available now but is required to attend the event.

The Cardinal Newman Society is grateful to the St. Robert Bellarmine Fund, which offers annual scholarships of $8,000, renewable for four years, to ten students who are attending a Newman Guide college, Kolbe Academy, a Catholic classical homeschool program, and Hallow, a Catholic prayer app, for their sponsorship of the Virtual Newman Guide College Fair. The first 1,000 registrants to the Newman Guide Virtual College Fair will receive a free 3-month trial subscription to the Hallow app, and three registrants will be randomly selected for a free year of Hallow. 

CNS is grateful for the sponsorship of Kolbe Academy.

Last year, The Cardinal Newman Society held its first Virtual College Fair, with great success. “I enjoyed the virtual college fair—thank you for this opportunity! I liked how I could easily chat with people from different colleges about my questions, see info and videos from the college on each college’s section, and attend presentations,” one student said.

CNS is grateful for the sponsorship of the Hallow app.

Overall, a follow-up survey showed that among those who took the survey, 93 percent of participants said they would consider attending or encourage someone else to attend a Newman Guide Virtual College Fair.

This year, students, parents, and educators will have the opportunity to visit the virtual booths of the colleges recognized in The Newman Guide, “chat” with admissions representatives, learn about unique scholarship opportunities, and attend “live” presentations.

The “live” presentations include:

10:30 am ET: “How to Make a Good Campus Visit” with Tom McFadden, Vice President for Enrollment & Student Success at Christendom College in Front Royal, Va.;

11:30 am ET: “Preparing for a STEM and Other Careers at a Faithful Catholic College” with representatives from several Newman Guide colleges;

7:00 pm ET: “‘Newman Center’ or Newman Guide College?” with Patrick Reilly, President of The Cardinal Newman Society; and

8:00 pm ET: “You’re Not Choosing a College – You’re Choosing a Formation” with Dr. Andrew and Sarah Swafford, Newman Guide college graduates who found Jesus Christ in a powerful way during college.

Homeschooled students, parents, high school classes, and educators are invited to log-in for the daytime session, as well as the evening session of the Newman Guide Virtual College Fair. Catholic families are encouraged to spread the word about the virtual event with friends and family, as well as their local Catholic high school and parish youth group.


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