Profiles in Faithful Catholic Education

Family of Pro-Life Leaders Formed at Newman Guide College

How can we build a pro-life culture in America? The faithful Catholic schools and colleges recommended in The Newman Guide are critical to the success of pro-life efforts. Through Newman Guide education, students are taught about the value of all human life, from conception to natural death. They learn that […]

Catholic Radio Host Big Proponent of Newman Guide Education

In the early centuries, Catholic monasteries were the hubs of cultural transformation, and communities were built around them. Today, Dr. Marcus Peter argues that it’s faithful Catholic colleges that are the new hubs transforming the culture. At Newman Guide Recommended colleges, the “sacramental life and Catholic intellectual tradition form the […]

Catholic College Graduate Guides Pilgrims Deeper in Faith Through ‘Eternal City’

While studying abroad in Rome, Italy, with a faithful Catholic college, the Catholic faith became “more alive” for Joseph Long. Now Long helps others experience the beauty of the Catholic faith through ProRome Tours, a company he founded that leads faith-filled tours and pilgrimages around the world.

Catholic College Graduate Builds Strong Marriages

The world today is facing a crisis in the family, but one graduate of a faithful Catholic college is working to change that. Mary Rose Verret, together with her husband Ryan, founded the ministry Witness to Love, which partners with more than 500 parishes in four countries and provides marriage […]

Catholic College Graduate Helps Women Understand ‘God-Given Dignity’

A graduate of a faithful Catholic college relies on the formation she received to help educate other Catholic women on the nature and dignity God has given them. Laura (Billeci) Zambrana serves as Director of Content for Endow (Educating on the Nature and Dignity of Women), which is an international […]

Conservative Leader Prepared at Faithful Catholic College

“When you look at society today, it is a direct result of secularism being taught as a religion,” says L. Brent Bozell III, who is founder and president of the Media Research Center, the largest media watchdog organization in the United States. “And I think that if everyone were taught […]

Celebrating Every Kind of Catholic Education

Classical schools… Great Books colleges… homeschool programs… trade schools… What are we to make of the wide and growing variety of Catholic education options? As Catholic education keeps getting better, The Cardinal Newman Society (CNS) believes that we need to celebrate the very best, regardless of form. Exemplary educators deserve […]

Teresa Tomeo: Faithful Catholic Parents, Education ‘Key’ to Formation

Popular Catholic commentator Teresa Tomeo celebrates her Catholic upbringing and education amid heartwarming stories, good laughs and practical tips for raising children in her new book, Everything’s Coming Up Rosie: 10 Things My Feisty Italian-American Mom Taught Me About Living a Godly Life. Tomeo is a well-known Catholic author, syndicated […]

Newman Guide Colleges Prepare Students for Happiness, Says African Missionary

A graduate of Wyoming Catholic College who now serves as a teacher and missionary in Africa says that there’s “no better option” than faithful Catholic colleges for “being formed as a whole person for happiness and flourishing.” “Any college can provide job training, but Newman Guide colleges are looking at […]

Editor-in-chief of Magnificat Magazine Developed ‘Habits of Prayer’ at Faithful Catholic College

The editor-in-chief of the popular Magnificat magazine says that a faithful Catholic college is where he “began to develop daily Catholic habits of prayer and a whole Catholic outlook on the world.” Now Fr. Sebastian White, O.P., helps Catholics across the globe strengthen their prayer lives through the monthly Magnificat […]

Faithful Catholic Colleges ‘Vitally Important,’ says Senior Director at Word on Fire

A leader in an apostolate that is reaching millions of Catholics and drawing them into—or back into—the Catholic faith believes that faithful Catholic colleges are “vitally important” in forming strong Catholics. Sean Lee, senior director of operations at Word on Fire Catholic Ministries, explains that “College is a crucial time […]

Newman Guide Colleges Can Help Students Find ‘Holy Spouses,’ Says Author

A Catholic author who studied how saints met their spouses believes that attending a Newman Guide college can “increase one’s odds to find a holy spouse.” Patrick O’Hearn just released a book titled, Courtship of the Saints: How the Saints Met their Spouses. O’Hearn earned his Master of Science in […]

Holy Apostles Thumbnail

‘Study with the Best’ at a Newman Guide College, Says Founder of Popular Catholic Website—a Catholic website known for its humor and the creative approach it takes to share about the Faith—had its origin at a faithful Catholic college recommended in The Newman Guide. Now the founder of EpicPew recommends faithful Catholic colleges to families looking to “study with the best and grow deeper […]

Faithful Catholic College Graduate Helps Make Prayer Accessible

A graduate of a faithful Catholic college believes daily prayer is critical—and she’s sharing a new tool to help young people develop a prayer routine. “Forming a strong daily prayer routine is paramount to building the spiritual armor necessary to face daily temptation as well as the destructive forces college […]

Homeschool Leader Formed at Faithful Catholic College

Laura Berquist (née Steichen), foundress of the Mother of Divine Grace (MODG) homeschool program, prepared for her important calling at faithful Thomas Aquinas College in California. But in 1969, she didn’t know what was in store for her when she and her parents went to check out the new liberal […]