Jamie Arthur serves as senior fellow with The Cardinal Newman Society assisting in the Catholic High School Honor Roll division. Dr. Arthur left her position as administrative head of school at Holy Spirit Preparatory School (Atlanta, GA) in 2013, a capstone to a career of over twenty-five years in elementary, high school, and college level administration and teaching. In addition to responsibilities associated with school administration, Dr. Arthur was recognized by the Southern
Association for Independent Schools (SAIS) from 2001-2013 as an accreditation chair, working within a dual accreditation model with AdvancEd. Dr. Arthur complements her professional life through philanthropic work with various projects associated with youth, especially those marginalized by society. She holds a BBA in finance from the University of Georgia, a MED with a concentration in secondary math from University of South Carolina, and PhD with a concentration in Educational Policy Studies from Georgia State University (2011). Dr. Arthur’s dissertation provides an in-depth study on lay leaders in Catholic schools in their role as faith leaders.