There are many expertly crafted reasons presented in After the Fall: Catholic Education Beyond the Common Core for why Common Core State Standards are insufficient for Catholic education. Among them are refutations of eight popular arguments used by proponents of the controversial standards to justify Common Core in Catholic schools. After the Fall was […] Cassandra Cassandra2016-11-08 18:51:002020-05-26 14:15:19Eight Bad Reasons for Adopting Common Core in Catholic Schools
The Cardinal Newman Society presents our new Catholic Curriculum Standards to help Catholic educators strengthen their core mission of evangelization and forming young people for God. The Newman Society has long promoted and defended faithful Catholic education, and increasingly this work is turned toward helping schools study, embrace and implement the Church’s […] Newman Society Staff Newman Society Staff2016-10-17 14:30:002020-05-26 14:17:56Catholic Schools Need Catholic Standards
Is there a Catholic way of learning something? Math? Science? History? It’s an intriguing question. We wrestled with the question this past year at The Cardinal Newman Society, while developing proposed Catholic curriculum standards for Catholic education. It’s easy to understand that Jesus is the Master Teacher. “Rabbi,” His disciples called Him. A […] Reilly Reilly2016-10-17 14:07:002020-05-26 14:19:10Is There Such a Thing as Catholic Math?
By now, it should be apparent that the Common Core State Standards for schools won’t come close to fulfilling the grand promises of its proponents. Parents, scholars, unions and the media all seem to be painfully aware of the fact — but after the mad rush to implement the standards, […] Reilly Reilly2016-10-13 19:03:092020-05-26 14:19:52Let’s Move Beyond the Common Core in Catholic Schools
Is the great debate over the use of Common Core State Standards in Catholic schools finally resolved? It should be, especially with this week’s publication of After the Fall: Catholic Education Beyond the Common Core, the first thorough academic critique of the standards and their impact on Catholic education. Dr. Dan […] Newman Society Staff Newman Society Staff2016-10-12 19:26:402020-05-26 14:20:30Common Core ‘Never Needed’ in Catholic Schools, Says Study’s Lead Author
Nearly three years ago, The Cardinal Newman Society urged Catholic school leaders to exercise caution and refrain from rushing into adoption of the Common Core State Standards. In meetings with bishops and diocesan superintendents, we and other education advocates raised important concerns: We said the Common Core was developed for […] Newman Society Staff Newman Society Staff2016-10-12 18:10:072020-05-26 14:20:49Catholic Schools Should Leave Common Core Behind
Considering the morally corrupt and hypersexualized state of our culture, it’s not that surprising that dissenters from Blessed Paul VI’s 1968 encyclical Humanae Vitae would think now is a good time to revive their tired, old, anti-Catholic push to reverse the beautiful teachings of the Church regarding human sexuality — specifically, the […] Reilly Reilly2016-09-22 00:14:002020-05-26 14:25:50Humanae Vitae Dissenters Should Not Be Teaching at Catholic Colleges
School choice, an important issue for Catholic families and a priority for the Church, may soon become a key issue in the presidential race. Donald Trump has said that school choice will be a centerpiece of his platform, and his campaign this week hired Rob Goad, an advisor to Illinois Congressman Luke […] Reilly Reilly2016-09-02 19:56:002020-05-26 15:01:41School Choice Must Support and Protect Catholic Education
Catholic families need the Church’s help facing what amounts to a second “sexual revolution” in America. To that end, there are many good efforts to understand and rebuff the radical “gender ideology” and false ideas about sexuality, marriage and the nature of the human person that are taking hold in […]
Excitement is building for Jesuits worldwide as their general congregation to elect a new superior general is quickly approaching this fall. The election presents an important opportunity for them to reflect on the future of the Society of Jesus — and to address serious concerns. Even under a Jesuit Pope, the order […] Reilly Reilly2016-07-29 02:59:252020-05-26 15:04:03American Jesuits Are in a Free Fall, and the Crisis is Getting Worse
In hindsight, what they did was appalling. But when several Catholic university leaders gathered in the summer of 1967 at a remote retreat in Land O’ Lakes, Wisconsin, did they fully anticipate the consequences of their vision for “modern” Catholic education? Hopefully not. It was 49 years ago, on July […] Reilly Reilly2016-07-21 20:33:002020-05-26 15:04:36The Land O’ Lakes Statement Has Caused Devastation For 49 Years
We hear a lot about the decline of Catholic schools, but maybe not enough. The numbers are staggering: Catholic school enrollment has declined more than two-thirds in the last 50 years, from 5.2 million to 1.9 million students. Even so, Catholic homeschoolers perceive significant growth in their numbers, with the freedom to explore a […] Reilly Reilly2016-07-16 21:07:002020-05-26 15:05:18For Catholic Schools to Survive, Their Catholicity Must Thrive
A nightmare scenario has further developed in California, threatening to severely harm Catholic colleges as legislators pursue a radical “gender ideology” and the dismantling of religious freedom. New amendments to an anti-religious education bill working its way through the California legislature clearly impact Catholic colleges’ employment practices, effectively forcing them to drop […]
Recent statements by Common Core co-author David Coleman about Catholic education have led to a lot of confusion. What’s this about a Common Core advocate urging Catholic educators to have the “moxie” to preserve their incredible heritage and not to worry about changes to standardized tests? I’ll try to explain. Despite […] Reilly Reilly2015-12-17 20:58:002020-05-26 15:15:30The Incredible Shrinking Case for Common Core
Catholic education, done rightly, is a special and important means of evangelization, the mission of the Church. It brings young people to Christ and provides for the integral formation of mind, body and soul. And so, judging from the reaction that I have been hearing from some parents and educators, […] Reilly Reilly2015-11-24 19:02:002020-05-26 15:15:58Did Pope Francis Say ‘Don’t Proselytize’?
Eight Bad Reasons for Adopting Common Core in Catholic Schools
/in Academics, Blog Commentary, Common Core Latest/by Adam CassandraThere are many expertly crafted reasons presented in After the Fall: Catholic Education Beyond the Common Core for why Common Core State Standards are insufficient for Catholic education. Among them are refutations of eight popular arguments used by proponents of the controversial standards to justify Common Core in Catholic schools. After the Fall was […]
Catholic Schools Need Catholic Standards
/in Academics, Blog Commentary, K12 Curriculum Standards Latest/by Cardinal Newman Society StaffThe Cardinal Newman Society presents our new Catholic Curriculum Standards to help Catholic educators strengthen their core mission of evangelization and forming young people for God. The Newman Society has long promoted and defended faithful Catholic education, and increasingly this work is turned toward helping schools study, embrace and implement the Church’s […]
Is There Such a Thing as Catholic Math?
/in Academics, Blog Commentary, K12 Curriculum Standards Latest, PR Register Column/by Patrick ReillyIs there a Catholic way of learning something? Math? Science? History? It’s an intriguing question. We wrestled with the question this past year at The Cardinal Newman Society, while developing proposed Catholic curriculum standards for Catholic education. It’s easy to understand that Jesus is the Master Teacher. “Rabbi,” His disciples called Him. A […]
Let’s Move Beyond the Common Core in Catholic Schools
/in Academics, Blog Commentary, Common Core Latest, PR Register Column/by Patrick ReillyBy now, it should be apparent that the Common Core State Standards for schools won’t come close to fulfilling the grand promises of its proponents. Parents, scholars, unions and the media all seem to be painfully aware of the fact — but after the mad rush to implement the standards, […]
Common Core ‘Never Needed’ in Catholic Schools, Says Study’s Lead Author
/in Academics, Blog Commentary, Common Core Latest/by Cardinal Newman Society StaffIs the great debate over the use of Common Core State Standards in Catholic schools finally resolved? It should be, especially with this week’s publication of After the Fall: Catholic Education Beyond the Common Core, the first thorough academic critique of the standards and their impact on Catholic education. Dr. Dan […]
Catholic Schools Should Leave Common Core Behind
/in Academics, Blog Commentary, Common Core Latest, Statements and Press Releases/by Cardinal Newman Society StaffNearly three years ago, The Cardinal Newman Society urged Catholic school leaders to exercise caution and refrain from rushing into adoption of the Common Core State Standards. In meetings with bishops and diocesan superintendents, we and other education advocates raised important concerns: We said the Common Core was developed for […]
Humanae Vitae Dissenters Should Not Be Teaching at Catholic Colleges
/in Blog, Mission and Governance Commentary, Hiring for Mission Latest, PR Register Column/by Patrick ReillyConsidering the morally corrupt and hypersexualized state of our culture, it’s not that surprising that dissenters from Blessed Paul VI’s 1968 encyclical Humanae Vitae would think now is a good time to revive their tired, old, anti-Catholic push to reverse the beautiful teachings of the Church regarding human sexuality — specifically, the […]
School Choice Must Support and Protect Catholic Education
/in Blog Latest, PR Register Column/by Patrick ReillySchool choice, an important issue for Catholic families and a priority for the Church, may soon become a key issue in the presidential race. Donald Trump has said that school choice will be a centerpiece of his platform, and his campaign this week hired Rob Goad, an advisor to Illinois Congressman Luke […]
New Sexual Revolution Requires Faithful, Parent-Centered Solutions
/in Blog, Student Formation Commentary, Sexuality and Gender Latest, PR Register Column/by Patrick ReillyCatholic families need the Church’s help facing what amounts to a second “sexual revolution” in America. To that end, there are many good efforts to understand and rebuff the radical “gender ideology” and false ideas about sexuality, marriage and the nature of the human person that are taking hold in […]
American Jesuits Are in a Free Fall, and the Crisis is Getting Worse
/in Blog, Mission and Governance Commentary, Mission and Catholic Identity Latest, PR Register Column/by Patrick ReillyExcitement is building for Jesuits worldwide as their general congregation to elect a new superior general is quickly approaching this fall. The election presents an important opportunity for them to reflect on the future of the Society of Jesus — and to address serious concerns. Even under a Jesuit Pope, the order […]
The Land O’ Lakes Statement Has Caused Devastation For 49 Years
/in Blog Latest, PR Register Column/by Patrick ReillyIn hindsight, what they did was appalling. But when several Catholic university leaders gathered in the summer of 1967 at a remote retreat in Land O’ Lakes, Wisconsin, did they fully anticipate the consequences of their vision for “modern” Catholic education? Hopefully not. It was 49 years ago, on July […]
For Catholic Schools to Survive, Their Catholicity Must Thrive
/in Mission and Governance Commentary, Mission and Catholic Identity Latest, PR Register Column/by Patrick ReillyWe hear a lot about the decline of Catholic schools, but maybe not enough. The numbers are staggering: Catholic school enrollment has declined more than two-thirds in the last 50 years, from 5.2 million to 1.9 million students. Even so, Catholic homeschoolers perceive significant growth in their numbers, with the freedom to explore a […]
California Dreams Up Nightmare for Catholic Education
/in Blog Latest, PR Register Column/by Patrick ReillyA nightmare scenario has further developed in California, threatening to severely harm Catholic colleges as legislators pursue a radical “gender ideology” and the dismantling of religious freedom. New amendments to an anti-religious education bill working its way through the California legislature clearly impact Catholic colleges’ employment practices, effectively forcing them to drop […]
The Incredible Shrinking Case for Common Core
/in Blog Latest, PR Register Column/by Patrick ReillyRecent statements by Common Core co-author David Coleman about Catholic education have led to a lot of confusion. What’s this about a Common Core advocate urging Catholic educators to have the “moxie” to preserve their incredible heritage and not to worry about changes to standardized tests? I’ll try to explain. Despite […]
Did Pope Francis Say ‘Don’t Proselytize’?
/in Blog Latest, PR Register Column/by Patrick ReillyCatholic education, done rightly, is a special and important means of evangelization, the mission of the Church. It brings young people to Christ and provides for the integral formation of mind, body and soul. And so, judging from the reaction that I have been hearing from some parents and educators, […]