Latest from the Newman Society

Teresa Tomeo: Faithful Catholic Parents, Education ‘Key’ to Formation

Popular Catholic commentator Teresa Tomeo celebrates her Catholic upbringing and education amid heartwarming stories, good laughs and practical tips for raising children in her new book, Everything’s Coming Up Rosie: 10 Things My Feisty Italian-American Mom Taught Me About Living a Godly Life. Tomeo is a well-known Catholic author, syndicated […]

National Essay Contest Winner Saw ‘Firsthand’ the ‘Great Riches’ of Faithful Catholic Education

While many students go off to college and lose their faith and joy, one college-bound student saw how his older siblings’ faith was strengthened and lives were enriched by attending a faithful Catholic college—and now he, too, will be attending a faithful college with a $5,000 scholarship. Jacob Kristine, a […]

Newman Guide Colleges Prepare Students for Happiness, Says African Missionary

A graduate of Wyoming Catholic College who now serves as a teacher and missionary in Africa says that there’s “no better option” than faithful Catholic colleges for “being formed as a whole person for happiness and flourishing.” “Any college can provide job training, but Newman Guide colleges are looking at […]

Editor-in-chief of Magnificat Magazine Developed ‘Habits of Prayer’ at Faithful Catholic College

The editor-in-chief of the popular Magnificat magazine says that a faithful Catholic college is where he “began to develop daily Catholic habits of prayer and a whole Catholic outlook on the world.” Now Fr. Sebastian White, O.P., helps Catholics across the globe strengthen their prayer lives through the monthly Magnificat […]

Gender Confusion in Australia’s Catholic Schools

In September, the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference released “Created and Loved: A Guide for Catholic Schools on Identity and Gender.” While the document has thoughtful and salient points regarding gender identity, it also recommends that Catholic schools use the preferred names and pronouns of children suffering from gender dysphoria, providing “flexibility […]

After Roe v. Wade, Catholic Colleges Prepare Pro-Life Nurses

Many people are asking, “What’s next for the pro-life movement after the overturning of Roe v. Wade?” One strategic answer coming from faithful Catholic colleges is to populate the medical field with more pro-life, ethical leaders. More than half the colleges recommended in The Newman Guide offer nursing programs, and some also prepare […]

Bellarmine Fund: Sharing the Treasure of Faithful Catholic Education

Three college students who first met while attending a Catholic high school in Florida have launched a scholarship fund to help others experience faithful Catholic education at a Newman Guide college. “As we went off to different colleges, we kept in touch and found time to catch up whenever we returned […]

Launching Task Force for Eucharistic Education

In support of the U.S. bishops’ three-year Eucharistic Revival, The Cardinal Newman Society is collaborating with Catholic educators nationwide to launch the Task Force for Eucharistic Education—an initiative to help solicit, identify, and promote inspiring efforts by Catholic schools, homeschools, colleges, and individuals to help revive: Eucharistic literacy – teaching young people […]

We Need ‘Eucharistic Education’

As the U.S. Bishops prepare to kick-off a three-year revival on devotion and belief in the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, I have been reflecting on how faithful Catholic education is key to the success of this revival. It is the Church’s primary means of evangelization. Consider Christendom College in Front […]

Graduation Honor for Cardinal Newman Society

On Saturday, May 14, Patrick Reilly, president and founder of the Cardinal Newman Society, was awarded an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree from Benedictine College. The award is in recognition of the Cardinal Newman Society’s work for 29 years in promoting and defending faithful Catholic education. Benedictine College is recognized in […]

Catholic Identity Must Be Clearly Stated

One week before Easter, we sent to you the latest article written by Patrick Reilly – 10 Key Takeaways From the Vatican’s New Instruction on Catholic Education. The article summarized the latest document from the Congregation for Catholic Education and said the document could help tremendously, “if dioceses take to heart […]

10 Key Takeaways From the Vatican’s New Instruction on Catholic Education

Recently, the Vatican issued a call for stronger Catholic identity in Catholic education. But will it do any good? The short answer: Yes, I think it will. The Congregation for Catholic Education’s new instruction on schools, “The Identity of a Catholic School for a Culture of Dialogue,” published March 29, […]

Catholic Education Scandal on April Fool’s Day

Imagine the irony: Today, April Fool’s Day, a Boston high school named Catholic Memorial will bestow an award on a pro-abortion politician. You might think this is just part of the day’s hijinks, a calculated prank, but sadly, this scandal is all too familiar and real. Patrick Reilly, founder of […]

Univ of Mary Athletics

Catholic School Sports Should Encourage Prayer

Imagine losing your job, simply because you prayed after a sporting event. That’s exactly what happened to Joseph Kennedy in Washington State—and it’s yet another example of hostility to Christianity in public schools. Back in 2015, Kennedy lost his head football coaching job at Bremerton High School, because he refused […]

‘Seriously Consider a Faithful Catholic College,’ Reilly Urges on Kolbe Academy Podcast

During Catholic Schools Week, Cardinal Newman Society President Patrick Reilly was a guest on Kolbecast, the official podcast of Kolbe Academy, a classical Catholic homeschool program for K-12 students. He talked about what led to the creation of The Newman Guide, the reasons why Catholic families should consider a faithful […]