It is easy for Catholic educators to love our students. Hour after hour and day after day, we forge human and spiritual bonds with them by learning, laughing, praying, and playing. The Congregation for Catholic Education calls upon Catholic educators to provide “a community school climate that reproduces, as far […] Dan Guernsey Dan Guernsey2024-01-12 09:43:452024-01-15 15:48:11Forming Students in Collaboration with Families
School leaders have primary responsibility to oversee instruction in a Catholic school, while striving to serve and cooperate with parents. But schools should always defer to the family on teaching human sexuality. Education, in the first place, is the duty of the family, which ‘is the school of richest humanity.’ […] Denise Donohue Ed.D. Denise Donohue Ed.D.2024-01-12 09:40:512024-01-15 15:49:17Parents’ Role in Teaching Human Sexuality
Everything in a Catholic educational institution must serve its mission of seeking and teaching truth, the sanctification of its students, and service to society. The primary means of advancing this mission is the academic program, which has pride of place and first claim to resources in the life of the institution. The delivery of the academic program takes place within a rich Catholic environment and is inspired by a Catholic worldview. However, co-curricular and extracurricular programs also are important to students’ formation and also must take place within this same rich Catholic environment and worldview. This is particularly true of sports which, in Catholic educational institutions, are an effective means to provide for the well-being of man and to give glory and praise to the Creator.[1]
Everything in a Catholic educational institution must serve its mission of seeking and teaching truth, the sanctification of its students, and service to society. The primary means of advancing this mission is the academic program, which has pride of place and first claim to resources in the life of the institution. The delivery of the academic program takes place within a rich Catholic environment and is inspired by a Catholic worldview. However, co-curricular and extracurricular programs also are important to students’ formation and also must take place within this same rich Catholic environment and worldview. This is particularly true of sports which, in Catholic educational institutions, are an effective means to provide for the well-being of man and to give glory and praise to the Creator.[1] Newman Society Staff Newman Society Staff2023-02-06 14:56:092023-04-20 15:15:08Policy Standards on Sexuality Programs in Catholic Education
Develop and display an athletics mission statement which affirms that athletics complement and extend your institution’s faith-based mission. Prioritize academic and religious programs over athletics in resource and marketing initiatives. The institution’s primary public identity and pride should be situated in its academic and religious identity. Hold athletes to the […] Newman Society Staff Newman Society Staff2022-03-28 16:47:382022-03-28 16:56:4910 Ways to Strengthen Athletics in Catholic Education (Bonus: Anticipated Questions One Might Encounter)
In Catholic education, athletes like to win competitions as much as anyone else—but sport has an even higher purpose that should take priority for students and coaches. Sport done rightly aids the development of character and virtue. Catholic sport allows for the integral formation of body and soul, to work […] Newman Society Staff Newman Society Staff2022-03-28 16:46:442022-03-28 17:09:58Sport Is More Than a Game for Catholic Schools
In December 2021, the witness of faithful Catholic educators helped persuade the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) to include broad protection for the mission of religious colleges in the Association’s new constitution. Although the NCAA also took new steps to embrace gender ideology, the accommodation to religious colleges was a […]
Everything in a Catholic educational institution must serve its mission of seeking and teaching truth, the sanctification of its students, and service to society. The primary means of advancing this mission is the academic program, which has pride of place and first claim to resources in the life of the institution. The delivery of the academic program takes place within a rich Catholic environment and is inspired by a Catholic worldview. However, co-curricular and extracurricular programs also are important to students’ formation and also must take place within this same rich Catholic environment and worldview. This is particularly true of sports which, in Catholic educational institutions, are an effective means to provide for the well-being of man and to give glory and praise to the Creator.[1] Newman Society Staff Newman Society Staff2021-10-08 09:36:272021-10-18 11:24:16Policy Standards on Formation of the Human Person in Catholic School and College Sports
Catholic education is committed to the pursuit of truth and promotion of the Gospel. Central to its mission is the integral formation of students’ minds, hearts, and bodies in truth and holiness. A significant challenge toward this end is confusion in the common culture regarding the nature of human sexuality. […] Newman Society Staff Newman Society Staff2020-12-17 19:52:282020-12-22 13:32:43Policy Standards on Human Sexuality in Catholic Education
Summary Pornography is gravely sinful and commodifies the human person; it deeply harms students and impacts every aspect of their lives. Catholic colleges should strive to prevent pornography use on campus, form students in an authentic understanding of human sexuality, and provide opportunities for healing. Based on the recommendations of […] Patrick Fagan Patrick Fagan2020-10-13 15:56:102021-12-16 21:55:14Fighting Pornography on Catholic College Campuses
Many faithful Catholic colleges are taking practical steps to help curb the spread of the coronavirus, such as sending students home and switching to online-only courses. But although students are now scattered across the country, many are finding ways to join together in prayer with college leaders, faculty and staff […] Reilly Reilly2020-03-20 16:11:092020-05-26 10:56:00Scattered Catholic College Students Forge Ahead with Prayer
Gender ideology has created huge inequities in the world of sports, with men competing on women’s teams and sometimes taking top honors away from outstanding female athletes. Add to this many other controversies in sports, including players refusing to respect the national anthem, cheating and betting scandals, sexual abuse and […] Reilly Reilly2020-03-05 19:24:302020-05-26 12:06:06Catholic School Athletics Must Be Truthful
Last week, Bishop Thomas Paprocki of Springfield, Illinois, released a clear, truthful guide on gender identity that does a great service for Catholic schools in his diocese. Catholic educators everywhere should follow his lead in implementing similar policies in their schools. The timing of the guide could not be better, […]
This year, the University of Mary in Bismarck, N.D., which is recommended in The Newman Guide for its strong Catholic identity, unveiled a “Greatness through Virtue” strategic plan for the University’s athletic programs. Through the plan, the University aims to “develop each athlete into becoming who God created them.” The Newman Society recently asked […] Newman Society Staff Newman Society Staff2020-02-18 18:59:412020-05-26 12:11:45University of Mary: Scholar-Athletes Formed ‘For the Whole of Life’
Are students being prepared for careers — and for life — in colleges today? Some college professors are noticing that students are “excelling academically but not necessarily in other areas of adult life,” including dating and preparing for the vocation of marriage. Students at faithful Catholic colleges, however, may be the exception. […] Reilly Reilly2020-02-12 04:14:262020-05-26 12:12:21True Love at Faithful Catholic Colleges
Forming Students in Collaboration with Families
/in Student Formation Commentary, Family's Role Blog /by Dr. Dan GuernseyIt is easy for Catholic educators to love our students. Hour after hour and day after day, we forge human and spiritual bonds with them by learning, laughing, praying, and playing. The Congregation for Catholic Education calls upon Catholic educators to provide “a community school climate that reproduces, as far […]
Parents’ Role in Teaching Human Sexuality
/in Student Formation Commentary, Sexuality and Gender Blog /by Dr. Denise Donohue Ed.D.School leaders have primary responsibility to oversee instruction in a Catholic school, while striving to serve and cooperate with parents. But schools should always defer to the family on teaching human sexuality. Education, in the first place, is the duty of the family, which ‘is the school of richest humanity.’ […]
Checklist for Evaluating Sexuality Programs in Catholic Education
/in Student Formation Policy Standards and Guidance, Sexuality and Gender /by Dr. Denise Donohue Ed.D.Everything in a Catholic educational institution must serve its mission of seeking and teaching truth, the sanctification of its students, and service to society. The primary means of advancing this mission is the academic program, which has pride of place and first claim to resources in the life of the institution. The delivery of the academic program takes place within a rich Catholic environment and is inspired by a Catholic worldview. However, co-curricular and extracurricular programs also are important to students’ formation and also must take place within this same rich Catholic environment and worldview. This is particularly true of sports which, in Catholic educational institutions, are an effective means to provide for the well-being of man and to give glory and praise to the Creator.[1]
Policy Standards on Sexuality Programs in Catholic Education
/in Student Formation Policy Standards and Guidance, Sexuality and Gender /by Cardinal Newman Society Staff and Dr. Denise Donohue Ed.D.Everything in a Catholic educational institution must serve its mission of seeking and teaching truth, the sanctification of its students, and service to society. The primary means of advancing this mission is the academic program, which has pride of place and first claim to resources in the life of the institution. The delivery of the academic program takes place within a rich Catholic environment and is inspired by a Catholic worldview. However, co-curricular and extracurricular programs also are important to students’ formation and also must take place within this same rich Catholic environment and worldview. This is particularly true of sports which, in Catholic educational institutions, are an effective means to provide for the well-being of man and to give glory and praise to the Creator.[1]
10 Ways to Strengthen Athletics in Catholic Education (Bonus: Anticipated Questions One Might Encounter)
/in Student Formation Athletics, Commentary /by Cardinal Newman Society StaffDevelop and display an athletics mission statement which affirms that athletics complement and extend your institution’s faith-based mission. Prioritize academic and religious programs over athletics in resource and marketing initiatives. The institution’s primary public identity and pride should be situated in its academic and religious identity. Hold athletes to the […]
Sport Is More Than a Game for Catholic Schools
/in Student Formation Athletics, Commentary /by Cardinal Newman Society StaffIn Catholic education, athletes like to win competitions as much as anyone else—but sport has an even higher purpose that should take priority for students and coaches. Sport done rightly aids the development of character and virtue. Catholic sport allows for the integral formation of body and soul, to work […]
Catholic Educators Rise to Defend Women’s Sports
/in Student Formation Athletics, Commentary /by Patrick ReillyIn December 2021, the witness of faithful Catholic educators helped persuade the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) to include broad protection for the mission of religious colleges in the Association’s new constitution. Although the NCAA also took new steps to embrace gender ideology, the accommodation to religious colleges was a […]
Policy Standards on Formation of the Human Person in Catholic School and College Sports
/in Student Formation Athletics, Policy Standards and Guidance, Policy Standards and Guidance, Sexuality and Gender /by Cardinal Newman Society Staff and Dr. Dan GuernseyEverything in a Catholic educational institution must serve its mission of seeking and teaching truth, the sanctification of its students, and service to society. The primary means of advancing this mission is the academic program, which has pride of place and first claim to resources in the life of the institution. The delivery of the academic program takes place within a rich Catholic environment and is inspired by a Catholic worldview. However, co-curricular and extracurricular programs also are important to students’ formation and also must take place within this same rich Catholic environment and worldview. This is particularly true of sports which, in Catholic educational institutions, are an effective means to provide for the well-being of man and to give glory and praise to the Creator.[1]
Policy Standards on Human Sexuality in Catholic Education
/in Student Formation Policy Standards and Guidance, Sexuality and Gender /by Cardinal Newman Society StaffCatholic education is committed to the pursuit of truth and promotion of the Gospel. Central to its mission is the integral formation of students’ minds, hearts, and bodies in truth and holiness. A significant challenge toward this end is confusion in the common culture regarding the nature of human sexuality. […]
Fighting Pornography on Catholic College Campuses
/in Student Formation Pornography, Research and Analysis /by Peter TapsakSummary Pornography is gravely sinful and commodifies the human person; it deeply harms students and impacts every aspect of their lives. Catholic colleges should strive to prevent pornography use on campus, form students in an authentic understanding of human sexuality, and provide opportunities for healing. Based on the recommendations of […]
Scattered Catholic College Students Forge Ahead with Prayer
/in Blog, Student Formation Commentary, Prayer and Sacrament Latest, PR Register Column /by Patrick ReillyMany faithful Catholic colleges are taking practical steps to help curb the spread of the coronavirus, such as sending students home and switching to online-only courses. But although students are now scattered across the country, many are finding ways to join together in prayer with college leaders, faculty and staff […]
Catholic School Athletics Must Be Truthful
/in Blog, Student Formation Athletics, Commentary Latest, PR Register Column /by Patrick ReillyGender ideology has created huge inequities in the world of sports, with men competing on women’s teams and sometimes taking top honors away from outstanding female athletes. Add to this many other controversies in sports, including players refusing to respect the national anthem, cheating and betting scandals, sexual abuse and […]
Let’s Follow Bishop Paprocki’s Lead
/in Blog, Student Formation Commentary, Sexuality and Gender Latest, PR Register Column /by Patrick ReillyLast week, Bishop Thomas Paprocki of Springfield, Illinois, released a clear, truthful guide on gender identity that does a great service for Catholic schools in his diocese. Catholic educators everywhere should follow his lead in implementing similar policies in their schools. The timing of the guide could not be better, […]
University of Mary: Scholar-Athletes Formed ‘For the Whole of Life’
/in Student Formation Athletics, Commentary Newman Guide Articles /by Cardinal Newman Society StaffThis year, the University of Mary in Bismarck, N.D., which is recommended in The Newman Guide for its strong Catholic identity, unveiled a “Greatness through Virtue” strategic plan for the University’s athletic programs. Through the plan, the University aims to “develop each athlete into becoming who God created them.” The Newman Society recently asked […]
True Love at Faithful Catholic Colleges
/in Blog, Student Formation Commentary, Sexuality and Gender Latest, Newman Guide Articles, PR Register Column /by Patrick ReillyAre students being prepared for careers — and for life — in colleges today? Some college professors are noticing that students are “excelling academically but not necessarily in other areas of adult life,” including dating and preparing for the vocation of marriage. Students at faithful Catholic colleges, however, may be the exception. […]