Mission and Governance

A ‘Second Spring’ of Catholic Education

A ‘Second Spring’ of Catholic Education St. John Henry Newman trusted Providence. “I shall be an angel of peace, a preacher of truth in my own place, while not intending it, if I do but keep His commandments and serve Him in my calling,” he wrote. We, too, should have […]

Can We Be Frank About the Catholic School Crisis?

The National Catholic Education Association (NCEA) shared their latest numbers on the state of Catholic education. Patrick Reilly, founder of The Cardinal Newman Society, expounds on these numbers and says claims of stabilization after decades of loss and decay are premature. Read his full story here.    

Can We Be Frank About the Catholic School Crisis?

  In the midst of a crisis, it’s natural to look for signs of hope—moments when the news isn’t so bad as it was before. But it’s perilous to ignore larger trends. Coinciding with Catholic Schools Week, which starts January 29, the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) will release its […]

Supporting Homeschool Families

The bourgeoning success of Catholic educational renewal in America, so much the work of faithful teachers and school leaders, is no less made possible by the devoted men and women who sacrifice for a better future for their children and grandchildren. Change had to begin at the fundamental level, that […]

There Is No AI Shortcut to Education

  Educational optimists predict that artificial intelligence, or “AI,” will soon provide amazing efficiencies and progress in teaching and learning. But are efficiency and machine logic what our students need most? It’s certainly true that AI is a marvelous new tool dramatically transforming human life. AI is exponentially improving in […]

The Bishop’s Role in Discerning Catholic Identity

A bishop’s oversight of Catholic education within his diocese—including schools, home schools, and colleges—is indispensable. His support and encouragement are also invaluable. That’s the experience of President Stephen Minnis, who has led an exciting renewal of faithful education and formation over the last two decades at Benedictine College in Atchison, […]

Father, Shepherd, and Teacher

by Most Rev. Thomas A. Daly The seasonal return to the sound of school bells ringing signals that another academic year is underway. This is a sound that stirs any number of feelings – joy, excitement, even a small bit of dread. But it’s the undeniable herald calling Catholic educators […]

Priests Are Needed in Faithful Catholic Education

by Rev. Peter M.J. Stravinskas It seems that most priests either do not know or fail to comprehend the critical importance of Catholic schools in the life of the Church, particularly as a vehicle of the new evangelization. At a bishops’ meeting nearly a decade ago, Archbishop George Lucas and […]

Case Study I (North Carolina); Transforming a Parish School

“Don’t give up on your parish schools. Schools are great challenges, but don’t be afraid to make the hard decisions,” urges Father Lucas Rossi, who serves as pastor of St. Michael’s Catholic Church and School in Gastonia, N.C. “It’s worth it to go through the difficult times,” Fr. Rossi continues. […]

The Rise of Independent Catholic Education

Independent Catholic education[1]—Catholic, because its schools are committed to Catholic fidelity and formation, yet independent, because they are not owned by a Catholic religious order or diocese—has scarcely caught the attention and admiration of the Church it serves. But for those Catholic families who have benefitted from it, this growing […]

Newman Guide Education Is So Much More

Today in secular public education, there is a “back to basics” movement among exacerbated parents seeking to protect their children from harmful ideological cultural forces in education. But the answer is not as simple as “just” teaching reading, writing, and math. There is ultimately no “neutral education.” There is only […]

The Cardinal Newman Society Through the Years

Since 1993, The Cardinal Newman Society has led the growing movement for renewal of faithful Catholic education. These are just some of the highlights of the last 30 years.   1993 Founding of CNS Inspired by Saint John Paul II’s apostolic constitution, Ex corde Ecclesiae, Patrick Reilly and fellow alumni […]

CNS Launches Newman Guide Recognition for Schools, Graduate Programs

What could be more exciting than The Newman Guide? More Newman Guide! The first edition of The Newman Guide was published in 2007, and I used it to find a faithful Catholic college where I had an amazing experience and even met my future husband. By helping Catholic families find […]

The Future of Faithful Catholic Education

Not long before the launch of The Cardinal Newman Society in 1993, an elderly priest advised me to stop trying to rescue Catholic education. “You’re chasing the horses 20 years after the barn doors were opened,” he said. I suppose he had reason for doubt. In the span of just […]

The Call to Lead: Church Guidance for Catholic Educational Leaders

The Call to Lead Church Guidance for Catholic Educational Leaders Denise L. Donohue, Ed.D., and Daniel P. Guernsey, Ed.D.   About The Call to Lead The original version of The Call to Lead was co-written in 2018 by Dr. Denise Donohue, vice president for educator resources and evaluation at The […]