In an effort to encourage discussion and to assist educational leaders as they ensure the Catholic identity of their schools, The Cardinal Newman Society has compiled these best practices in Catholic school employment agreements from Catholic dioceses in the United States. Statements included represent strong examples of different mechanisms dioceses […] Dan Guernsey Dan Guernsey2015-06-25 00:37:092020-05-22 12:10:16Faith and Morals Language in Catholic School Teacher Employment Documents: Best Practices Brief
A small, Massachusetts-based Catholic college will close this month, citing financial difficulties brought about by declining enrollment. But while many similarly small colleges around the country are struggling to find their niches in order to sustain enrollment, some faithful Catholic institutions are successfully leveraging their faithful Catholic identities to attract […] Wilson Wilson2015-06-24 18:15:482020-05-28 12:19:57Catholic College Closes, but Other Small Colleges Thrive on Faithful Catholic Mission
This article is part of a collaborative series between The Cardinal Newman Society and the Culture of Life Foundation on Catholic education policy from the perspective of theology, ethics and the moral law. With government’s growing efforts to create a new norm for human sexuality, it should not be surprising […] Frank Moncher Frank Moncher2014-08-13 01:20:462020-05-22 12:12:32Private Affairs and Private Institutions
This publication is the first in a collaborative series between The Cardinal Newman Society and the Culture of Life Foundation on complex moral issues in Catholic education policy. These papers are intended to inform discussion and should not be regarded as definitive statements of policy or practice. The views expressed […] E. Christian Brugger E. Christian Brugger2014-08-01 01:37:182020-05-22 12:13:57Catholic Schools, Firing Policies and Teacher Misconduct
This is part of a series of research reports on the Common Core State Standards Initative and its potential impact on Catholic education. Introduction It is vital that religious educational institutions maintain their religious mission in all their programs—including standards, methods, and curriculum—if they want to avoid being subjected to federal […] Tedesco Tedesco2014-01-09 02:25:172021-03-03 21:09:01Maintain Schools’ Religious Character to Protect Religious Freedom
This Issue Brief takes a look at the new “Notice of Proposed Rulemaking” issued on February 1, 2013, by the Department of Health and Human Services concerning the federal mandate that health insurance plans, including those provided or arranged by non-exempt Catholic high schools, must include coverage of early abortion pills, contraception, sterilization, […] Bowman Bowman2013-02-14 04:47:032021-07-23 14:15:43Questions and Answers About What the Latest HHS Mandate Rule Means for Catholic High Schools
This Issue Brief takes a look at the new “Notice of Proposed Rulemaking” issued on February 1, 2013, by the Department of Health and Human Services concerning the federal mandate that health insurance plans, including those provided or arranged by Catholic colleges, must include coverage of early abortion pills, contraception, sterilization, and related […] Bowman Bowman2013-02-14 04:40:062021-07-23 14:18:51Questions and Answers About What the Latest HHS Mandate Rule Means for Catholic Colleges
On the level of higher education, many of you have pointed to a growing recognition on the part of Catholic colleges and universities of the need to reaffirm their distinctive identity in fidelity to their founding ideals and the Church’s mission in service to the Gospel. Yet much remains to […] Daniel McInerny Daniel McInerny2012-10-01 01:46:112020-05-22 16:17:09Hiring for Mission at Catholic Colleges and Universities: A Survey of Current Trends and Practices
In January 2011, an acting regional director of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) sparked a national outcry with his ruling requiring Manhattan College, a Christian Brothers institution, to recognize a faculty union and comply with federal labor law despite the College’s religious identity. The Board’s pending review of that […] Reilly Reilly2011-05-01 14:02:002020-05-22 16:37:09The NLRB’s Assault on Religious Liberty
Contents: Assessing Catholic Identity Institutional IdentityMission Statement, Governing Documents & StatutesPolicies, Programs & CommitmentsRelationship with Diocesan BishopCooperation Leadership & AdministrationBoard of TrusteesAdministration and Non-Faculty Employees Faculty & AcademicsFacultyCurriculumTheologyResearch Students & Campus LifePastoral MinistryStudent Life Assessing Catholic Identity It is important that Catholic colleges and universities develop means of assessing their […] Newman Society Staff Newman Society Staff2011-04-25 23:57:002020-05-26 18:10:13Assessing Catholic Identity: A Handbook for Catholic College and University Leaders
Federal and state laws are increasingly being used to coerce religious institutions into actions and commitments that violate deeply held religious convictions and moral principles. Some of these laws require employee and student health insurance that covers contraception, and mandate employee benefits for same sex couples. Catholic colleges and universities […] Theriot Theriot2011-01-01 02:22:002020-06-04 15:35:25Protecting Catholic Colleges from External Threats to Their Religious Liberty
Dedication: To Father Michael Scanlan, T.O.R. President Emeritus, Franciscan University of Steubenville:Who has shown that it can be done. Table of Contents Foreword“Stewards of a Heritage, Bearers of Hope”by Rev. Msgr. Stuart Swetland, S.T.D.Preface to the Third PrintingPreface to the First PrintingAuthor’s NoteChapter 1: A Case StudyChapter 2: The BishopChapter […] Leonard A. Kennedy C.S.B. Ph.D. Leonard A. Kennedy C.S.B. Ph.D.2010-03-15 03:34:592020-05-26 17:16:55How to Keep Your University Catholic
In the last few years, the Catholic Church and its Catholic institutions have faced attacks through legislation and judicial activism, which are increasingly coming in the form of mandates for health insurance “benefits” that support immoral behavior but not medical necessities. The most recent instances in the news include the […]
As the largest provider of nongovernmental, nonprofit health care in the United States, Catholic health care is susceptible to being viewed as just another secular institution engaged in the welfare of the larger society, and at its behest. Those who wish to deny the ministerial nature of Catholic health care […] Marie Hilliard Marie Hilliard2009-10-01 05:00:002020-05-19 16:41:02Contraceptive Mandates and Immoral Cooperation
You have asked us to describe some of the current issues surrounding conscientious objections to the funding of contraceptives through employee and student health insurance benefit plans. In particular, you have asked us to describe the general considerations confronting Catholic institutions that seek to comply with their understanding of their […] Fund Fund2009-10-01 04:53:002020-05-19 14:46:10Implications of Mandatory Insurance Coverage of Contraceptives for Catholic Colleges and Universities
Faith and Morals Language in Catholic School Teacher Employment Documents: Best Practices Brief
/in Mission and Governance Hiring for Mission, Research and Analysis/by Dr. Dan GuernseyIn an effort to encourage discussion and to assist educational leaders as they ensure the Catholic identity of their schools, The Cardinal Newman Society has compiled these best practices in Catholic school employment agreements from Catholic dioceses in the United States. Statements included represent strong examples of different mechanisms dioceses […]
Catholic College Closes, but Other Small Colleges Thrive on Faithful Catholic Mission
/in Mission and Governance Mission and Catholic Identity, Research and Analysis/by Adam WilsonA small, Massachusetts-based Catholic college will close this month, citing financial difficulties brought about by declining enrollment. But while many similarly small colleges around the country are struggling to find their niches in order to sustain enrollment, some faithful Catholic institutions are successfully leveraging their faithful Catholic identities to attract […]
Private Affairs and Private Institutions
/in Mission and Governance Hiring for Mission, Research and Analysis/by Dr. Frank MoncherThis article is part of a collaborative series between The Cardinal Newman Society and the Culture of Life Foundation on Catholic education policy from the perspective of theology, ethics and the moral law. With government’s growing efforts to create a new norm for human sexuality, it should not be surprising […]
Catholic Schools, Firing Policies and Teacher Misconduct
/in Mission and Governance Hiring for Mission, Research and Analysis/by Dr. E. Christian BruggerThis publication is the first in a collaborative series between The Cardinal Newman Society and the Culture of Life Foundation on complex moral issues in Catholic education policy. These papers are intended to inform discussion and should not be regarded as definitive statements of policy or practice. The views expressed […]
Maintain Schools’ Religious Character to Protect Religious Freedom
/in Mission and Governance Commentary, Public Policy and Legal (General)/by Jeremy TedescoThis is part of a series of research reports on the Common Core State Standards Initative and its potential impact on Catholic education. Introduction It is vital that religious educational institutions maintain their religious mission in all their programs—including standards, methods, and curriculum—if they want to avoid being subjected to federal […]
Questions and Answers About What the Latest HHS Mandate Rule Means for Catholic High Schools
/in Mission and Governance Public Policy and Legal (General), Research and Analysis/by Matthew BowmanThis Issue Brief takes a look at the new “Notice of Proposed Rulemaking” issued on February 1, 2013, by the Department of Health and Human Services concerning the federal mandate that health insurance plans, including those provided or arranged by non-exempt Catholic high schools, must include coverage of early abortion pills, contraception, sterilization, […]
Questions and Answers About What the Latest HHS Mandate Rule Means for Catholic Colleges
/in Mission and Governance Public Policy and Legal (General), Research and Analysis/by Matthew BowmanThis Issue Brief takes a look at the new “Notice of Proposed Rulemaking” issued on February 1, 2013, by the Department of Health and Human Services concerning the federal mandate that health insurance plans, including those provided or arranged by Catholic colleges, must include coverage of early abortion pills, contraception, sterilization, and related […]
Hiring for Mission at Catholic Colleges and Universities: A Survey of Current Trends and Practices
/in Mission and Governance Hiring for Mission, Research and Analysis/by Dr. Daniel McInernyOn the level of higher education, many of you have pointed to a growing recognition on the part of Catholic colleges and universities of the need to reaffirm their distinctive identity in fidelity to their founding ideals and the Church’s mission in service to the Gospel. Yet much remains to […]
The NLRB’s Assault on Religious Liberty
/in Mission and Governance Labor Relations, Research and Analysis/by Patrick ReillyIn January 2011, an acting regional director of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) sparked a national outcry with his ruling requiring Manhattan College, a Christian Brothers institution, to recognize a faculty union and comply with federal labor law despite the College’s religious identity. The Board’s pending review of that […]
Assessing Catholic Identity: A Handbook for Catholic College and University Leaders
/in Mission and Governance Mission and Catholic Identity, Research and Analysis/by Cardinal Newman Society StaffContents: Assessing Catholic Identity Institutional IdentityMission Statement, Governing Documents & StatutesPolicies, Programs & CommitmentsRelationship with Diocesan BishopCooperation Leadership & AdministrationBoard of TrusteesAdministration and Non-Faculty Employees Faculty & AcademicsFacultyCurriculumTheologyResearch Students & Campus LifePastoral MinistryStudent Life Assessing Catholic Identity It is important that Catholic colleges and universities develop means of assessing their […]
Protecting Catholic Colleges from External Threats to Their Religious Liberty
/in Mission and Governance Public Policy and Legal (General), Research and Analysis/by Kevin TheriotFederal and state laws are increasingly being used to coerce religious institutions into actions and commitments that violate deeply held religious convictions and moral principles. Some of these laws require employee and student health insurance that covers contraception, and mandate employee benefits for same sex couples. Catholic colleges and universities […]
How to Keep Your University Catholic
/in Mission and Governance Mission and Catholic Identity, Research and Analysis/by Rev. Leonard A. Kennedy C.S.B. Ph.D.Dedication: To Father Michael Scanlan, T.O.R. President Emeritus, Franciscan University of Steubenville:Who has shown that it can be done. Table of Contents Foreword“Stewards of a Heritage, Bearers of Hope”by Rev. Msgr. Stuart Swetland, S.T.D.Preface to the Third PrintingPreface to the First PrintingAuthor’s NoteChapter 1: A Case StudyChapter 2: The BishopChapter […]
Crafting Employee Health Plans for Catholic Institutions
/in Mission and Governance Employee Benefits, Research and Analysis/by Dean BurriIn the last few years, the Catholic Church and its Catholic institutions have faced attacks through legislation and judicial activism, which are increasingly coming in the form of mandates for health insurance “benefits” that support immoral behavior but not medical necessities. The most recent instances in the news include the […]
Contraceptive Mandates and Immoral Cooperation
/in Mission and Governance Employee Benefits, Research and Analysis/by Dr. Marie HilliardAs the largest provider of nongovernmental, nonprofit health care in the United States, Catholic health care is susceptible to being viewed as just another secular institution engaged in the welfare of the larger society, and at its behest. Those who wish to deny the ministerial nature of Catholic health care […]
Implications of Mandatory Insurance Coverage of Contraceptives for Catholic Colleges and Universities
/in Mission and Governance Employee Benefits, Research and Analysis/by Becket FundYou have asked us to describe some of the current issues surrounding conscientious objections to the funding of contraceptives through employee and student health insurance benefit plans. In particular, you have asked us to describe the general considerations confronting Catholic institutions that seek to comply with their understanding of their […]