The Cardinal Newman Society hosted a webinar on February 17, 2021, for diocesan and Catholic education leaders, in which Eric Kniffen, legal counsel to the Newman Society and a former attorney for the Becket Fund and the U.S. Department of Justice, assessed early and proposed actions of the Biden administration […] Reilly Reilly2021-02-19 14:21:502021-02-23 13:25:06New Threats to Religious Freedom Under Biden Administration
As evangelical educational communities, Catholic schools not only teach academic subjects but also help their members on the road to personal holiness and sanctity in all areas of their lives, with a special concern for those areas most in need of healing and growth in each individual’s situation. With their […] Dan Guernsey Dan Guernsey2021-01-08 14:01:512023-08-09 16:42:51Working with Nontraditional Families in Catholic Schools Dan Guernsey Dan Guernsey2020-12-08 16:46:162020-12-08 16:46:16All Employees Matter in the Mission of Catholic Education
The Catholic educational project is best served when the school and the family work in harmony. Even though a Catholic school will be inclined to admit academically qualified students whenever possible, there are times when admission must be denied for moral reasons connected to the student or family. While this […] Dan Guernsey Dan Guernsey2020-12-04 12:01:322020-12-04 12:01:32Not All Families Are a Good Fit for Catholic Schools
Everything in Catholic education must serve its mission: which entails the pursuit of truth, the integral formation of the human person, the sanctification of students, and service to the community. Athletics are particularly well-suited to achieving elements of this mission. Sports, correctly balanced, can be particularly effective in developing virtue, […] Dan Guernsey Dan Guernsey2020-11-10 16:28:332020-12-17 22:38:01Protecting the Human Person: Gender Issues in Catholic School and College Sports
It is through the Catholic Church and its mission of salvation and evangelization that the Catholic school receives its mandate to form students in the faith and life of the Gospel, bringing them into communion with the Church and the Holy Trinity. The Church holds the ultimate truth in faith […]
Catholic schools across the nation are striving to keep their doors open, but Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School in Indianapolis is not one of them… or is it? There’s no question whether Brebeuf will open; students are scheduled to start in-person classes on Aug. 13. What’s unresolved is whether the school […] Reilly Reilly2020-08-04 15:30:052021-09-01 17:24:56One Year Later, No Resolution on Brebeuf Scandal
The following summarizes the June 30th Supreme Court ruling in Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue. Educators should consult their attorneys for professional legal advice. Bottom Line: The Espinoza ruling effectively nullifies “Blaine amendments” in state constitutions, ensuring that Catholic schools and colleges have equal access to public benefits. Caution […] Reilly Reilly2020-07-13 15:50:262020-08-28 15:54:06Key Points on Supreme Court’s Espinoza Ruling on Public Benefits for Catholic Education
The Cardinal Newman Society is working on detailed guidance to help Catholic schools and colleges strengthen their ability to claim the “ministerial exception” in light of the July 8th Supreme Court ruling in Our Lady of Guadalupe School v. Agnes Morrissey-Berru (combined with St. James School v. Darryl Biel, as […] Reilly Reilly2020-07-10 09:00:102020-08-05 20:51:05Key Points on Supreme Court’s Our Lady of Guadalupe Ruling on Ministerial Exception
The Cardinal Newman Society hosted a webinar on June 17, 2020, for Catholic education leaders, in which Gregory Baylor, senior counsel and director of the Center for Religious Schools at Alliance Defending Freedom, offered a brief assessment of the June 15th Supreme Court ruling in Bostock v. Clayton County, Georgia. […] Reilly Reilly2020-06-17 09:00:212020-08-05 20:59:16Key Points on Supreme Court’s Bostock Ruling on Sex Discrimination
With the kids at home, now may be a great time to experiment with Catholic homeschooling and decide whether it is a good fit for your family. “School-at-home,” of course, is not the best representation of homeschooling. Especially in the upper grades, the fixed schedule of online classes allows little […] Reilly Reilly2020-04-03 02:18:532020-05-18 10:49:47Could You Be Schooling at Home… Indefinitely?
Last month, eighth-grade students at Notre Dame Academy (a Catholic school in Toledo, Ohio) took a field trip to Chicago to see The Nutcracker. Just minutes before the curtains opened, however, the trip chaperones decided the class should leave. The chaperones had discovered that the onstage parents of Clara, the main […]
Half a century into a sexual revolution that has upturned notions of sexual morality and even gender identity, Catholic education is under attack like never before. Religious schools and colleges are facing protests and lawsuits, while presidential candidates are promising to revoke schools’ tax-exempt status—all because Catholic educators hold fast […] Reilly Reilly2020-01-03 22:55:342021-02-18 23:04:14Protecting Your Right To Educate: How Catholic Education Can Defend Against Emerging Legal Threats
During a recent eighth-grade trip to Chicago, chaperones and students of Notre Dame Academy in Toledo walked out of a performance of The Nutcracker after learning that lead characters would be portrayed in a gay marriage. This was a courageous and bold move—a correct application of Pope Francis’s well-publicized encouragement of young people […] Dan Guernsey Dan Guernsey2020-01-03 03:25:122020-05-26 12:20:14Nutcracker Not-So-Sweet
I love the six days between Christmas and New Year’s Day. The Son of God is with us! Now we get a short time to rev up our engines for the new year’s work of evangelization, as Christ commanded. I propose three resolutions for the Year 2020, under a single […] Reilly Reilly2019-12-30 04:03:002020-05-26 12:20:34Resolved for New Year 2020: Teach the Faith
New Threats to Religious Freedom Under Biden Administration
/in Mission and Governance Public Policy and Legal (General), Research and Analysis/by Patrick ReillyThe Cardinal Newman Society hosted a webinar on February 17, 2021, for diocesan and Catholic education leaders, in which Eric Kniffen, legal counsel to the Newman Society and a former attorney for the Becket Fund and the U.S. Department of Justice, assessed early and proposed actions of the Biden administration […]
Working with Nontraditional Families in Catholic Schools
/in Mission and Governance Admissions and Enrollment, Research and Analysis/by Dr. Dan GuernseyAs evangelical educational communities, Catholic schools not only teach academic subjects but also help their members on the road to personal holiness and sanctity in all areas of their lives, with a special concern for those areas most in need of healing and growth in each individual’s situation. With their […]
All Employees Matter in the Mission of Catholic Education
/in Mission and Governance Community, Research and Analysis/by Dr. Dan GuernseyNot All Families Are a Good Fit for Catholic Schools
/in Mission and Governance Admissions and Enrollment, Research and Analysis/by Dr. Dan GuernseyThe Catholic educational project is best served when the school and the family work in harmony. Even though a Catholic school will be inclined to admit academically qualified students whenever possible, there are times when admission must be denied for moral reasons connected to the student or family. While this […]
Protecting the Human Person: Gender Issues in Catholic School and College Sports
/in Mission and Governance Policy Standards and Guidance, Sexuality and Gender/by Dr. Dan GuernseyEverything in Catholic education must serve its mission: which entails the pursuit of truth, the integral formation of the human person, the sanctification of students, and service to the community. Athletics are particularly well-suited to achieving elements of this mission. Sports, correctly balanced, can be particularly effective in developing virtue, […]
Community Matters to a Catholic School’s Mission
/in Mission and Governance Community, Research and Analysis/by Dr. Denise Donohue Ed.D.It is through the Catholic Church and its mission of salvation and evangelization that the Catholic school receives its mandate to form students in the faith and life of the Gospel, bringing them into communion with the Church and the Holy Trinity. The Church holds the ultimate truth in faith […]
One Year Later, No Resolution on Brebeuf Scandal
/in Blog, Mission and Governance Commentary, Hiring for Mission Latest, PR Register Column/by Patrick ReillyCatholic schools across the nation are striving to keep their doors open, but Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School in Indianapolis is not one of them… or is it? There’s no question whether Brebeuf will open; students are scheduled to start in-person classes on Aug. 13. What’s unresolved is whether the school […]
Key Points on Supreme Court’s Espinoza Ruling on Public Benefits for Catholic Education
/in Mission and Governance Public Policy and Legal (General), Research and Analysis/by Patrick ReillyThe following summarizes the June 30th Supreme Court ruling in Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue. Educators should consult their attorneys for professional legal advice. Bottom Line: The Espinoza ruling effectively nullifies “Blaine amendments” in state constitutions, ensuring that Catholic schools and colleges have equal access to public benefits. Caution […]
Key Points on Supreme Court’s Our Lady of Guadalupe Ruling on Ministerial Exception
/in Mission and Governance Public Policy and Legal (General), Research and Analysis/by Patrick ReillyThe Cardinal Newman Society is working on detailed guidance to help Catholic schools and colleges strengthen their ability to claim the “ministerial exception” in light of the July 8th Supreme Court ruling in Our Lady of Guadalupe School v. Agnes Morrissey-Berru (combined with St. James School v. Darryl Biel, as […]
Key Points on Supreme Court’s Bostock Ruling on Sex Discrimination
/in Mission and Governance Public Policy and Legal (General), Research and Analysis/by Patrick ReillyThe Cardinal Newman Society hosted a webinar on June 17, 2020, for Catholic education leaders, in which Gregory Baylor, senior counsel and director of the Center for Religious Schools at Alliance Defending Freedom, offered a brief assessment of the June 15th Supreme Court ruling in Bostock v. Clayton County, Georgia. […]
Could You Be Schooling at Home… Indefinitely?
/in Blog, Mission and Governance Commentary, Independent, Home, Hybrid School Latest, PR Register Column/by Patrick ReillyWith the kids at home, now may be a great time to experiment with Catholic homeschooling and decide whether it is a good fit for your family. “School-at-home,” of course, is not the best representation of homeschooling. Especially in the upper grades, the fixed schedule of online classes allows little […]
The Nondiscrimination Dance
/in Blog, Mission and Governance Commentary, Nondiscrimination and Diversity Latest/by Patrick ReillyLast month, eighth-grade students at Notre Dame Academy (a Catholic school in Toledo, Ohio) took a field trip to Chicago to see The Nutcracker. Just minutes before the curtains opened, however, the trip chaperones decided the class should leave. The chaperones had discovered that the onstage parents of Clara, the main […]
Protecting Your Right To Educate: How Catholic Education Can Defend Against Emerging Legal Threats
/in Mission and Governance Public Policy and Legal (General), Research and Analysis/by Patrick ReillyHalf a century into a sexual revolution that has upturned notions of sexual morality and even gender identity, Catholic education is under attack like never before. Religious schools and colleges are facing protests and lawsuits, while presidential candidates are promising to revoke schools’ tax-exempt status—all because Catholic educators hold fast […]
Nutcracker Not-So-Sweet
/in Blog, Mission and Governance Commentary, Nondiscrimination and Diversity Latest/by Dr. Dan GuernseyDuring a recent eighth-grade trip to Chicago, chaperones and students of Notre Dame Academy in Toledo walked out of a performance of The Nutcracker after learning that lead characters would be portrayed in a gay marriage. This was a courageous and bold move—a correct application of Pope Francis’s well-publicized encouragement of young people […]
Resolved for New Year 2020: Teach the Faith
/in Blog, Mission and Governance Commentary, Mission and Catholic Identity Latest, PR Register Column/by Patrick ReillyI love the six days between Christmas and New Year’s Day. The Son of God is with us! Now we get a short time to rev up our engines for the new year’s work of evangelization, as Christ commanded. I propose three resolutions for the Year 2020, under a single […]